chapter 23

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I'm so so sorry for this but my school took my Phone Because they ment we needed bonding time! I'm gonna try to get back to writing now but it might take more time that usual.

Waking up I see a ball of green hair being on one side of my bed and I can smell Katsuki outside of the door... why isn't he allowed inside? "y-you are awake! Are you okay? Are y-you hurt? About all those things allmight told you j-just ignore it... its not that important..." midoriya said kind of rambling as always. "hey! Midoriya I just woke up so I can't really concentrate on this right now..." I said rubbing my eyes looking around. It was the same room and me and midoriya was alone. I could feel katsukis anger through the door as he didn't like me being alone hurt in a room only with midoriya in there with me. "why can't katsuki be let in?" I said wanting to see my alpha and to check if he had any wounds. "I just wanted to talk about my quirk with you and he sadly can't know about it... I wanted to know if you had any questions about it but of curse you would have questions I mean it's not every day you hear about one of your friends being the successor of the symbol of peace..." he said mumbling on and on. "midoriya! I don't have any questions right know and I think you will be a great successor" I said with a little smile trying to reassure him and make him stop rambling. Suddenly the door was just kicked in and katsuki came in looking angry as fuck. "why does this fucking have to be now?! If I want to go to see my mate, then I will fucking do it!" he yelled looking angrily at midoriya. "k-k-kacchan sorry I locked the door..." midoriya said looking terrified. Why lock the door? Seems kind of stupid since katsuki easily could break the door. He saw me being awake and his face changed, and he looked like he wanted to hug me, but he didn't move from the place he stood. I got out of the bed and went over too him with a hug as I signaled midoriya that he could leave and when I heard the door close, I also felt katsuki hug back firmly while being gentle. "you smell like deku..." he suddenly said annoyed. I felt a chill go down my spine as I felt his alpha instincts got a little sharper since he smelled another person's scent on me. He turned around almost running out the door while I just looked after him thinking that this might be the last time, I ever saw midoriya...

~ Katsuki Pov ~

He is my omega! Why did deku touch him?! Its all dekus fault! Its always dekus fault! I thought going down the hall trying to find the fucking broccoli head and beat his ass! Blasting in the door to the classroom up just having the feeling of self-guilt and anger in me and the need to blast someone's head off. Everybody looked idiotically up at me making me pissed at them too. I spotted the one that needed to die and felt the need to blast his head off grow as I was making small explosions in my hands as to warm up. "DEKU!" I yelled at the fucker making him jump in his seat as I ran at him grabbing his shirt lifting him up. "DID YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY MATE?!" I yelled in his face getting my free hand ready to blow his stupid face off. "K-k-kacc-Chan! I-I didn't do anything!" he said panicking "unless it was something that happened under the fight like a cut or some sweat or something maybe even some blood I mean we were beaten up pretty ba-" "just shut up!" I yelled explosions going wild on my free hand but just before I could burn a hole in this nerd's face Aizawa cut in erasing my quirk. "everybody sits down quietly in their seats the class is beginning! You too bakugou" he said looking at me like some stupid troublemaking kid. I put deku down trying to look like I didn't care as I sat down anger still waiting to be let out from right under my skin while Aizawa gave be a fierce side glance before going out telling us what we should today.

~ (y/n) s pov ~

After recovery girl had said I could leave I went to class but before I even opened the door, I could feel the weird tension in the class. I opened the door just to find everyone having a hard time concentrating even Aizawa and I could understand why... Midoriya was sweating big time because of katsukis death stare. When I down Katsuki switched his attention at me for a moment looking a bit worried but still mad. I gave him a little smile before looking up at Aizawa teaching trying to concentrate. When Aizawa wasn't looking I wrote something on a piece of paper telling Katsuki that if he hurt Midoriya then I wouldn't talk to him. That of course was a lie since I couldn't bare not to talk to him, he was my mate after all, and I liked him... but I hoped he at least took it seriously enough to not hurt Midoriya. I threw it to Katsuki when Aizawa still wasn't looking. He quickly reed it and looked surprised then angry and then dejected while he crumbled the paper and burned it so Aizawa wouldn't see it but at least it looked like he took it seriously.

Later walking home happy too see a little nervous looking Midoriya being in one piece as I walked on my way. Suddenly Katsuki was walking beside me looking a bit anxious maybe? Not sure. "I didn't touch the nerd so you happy?" he asked a little irritated. "I'm not exactly happy with your behavior but I'm happy that you didn't hurt Midoriya" I said honestly. He suddenly pulled me to him grabbing my chin and kissed me quickly before letting me go looking a bit happier.

I'm so sorry for the late chapter but because of my school and mt new dorm life I will probably have late updates till I figure out a schedule, but I will write when I can, so I still get some chapters out. Sorry and cya!

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