Chapter 30

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A sudden knock on the shower room door made me jump in surprise. I had been hiding under the cold water in a shower room for about 45 minutes, so it didn't really surprise me that he had come to look for me, but for some reason, I still didn't feel prepared for his visit. I flustered hurriedly, wrapping a towel around my waist and one over my shoulders. The second towel was technically for my hair, but I was shaking because of the cold. It didn't feel too bad while I had been under the water. it had just been soothing and relaxing to be under the cold water, but as soon as the air touched my bare body, I trembled, holding the second towel tightly around me. "Sorry, I am done now..." I said looking down in embarrassment as I opened the door. Already knowing who it was. It was like I could feel his presence when he was close. a little weird maybe, but also pretty nice. "Why were you in there for so long? I thought you had slipped and drowned in a puddle on the floor or, something" he said, slightly annoyed, but I was pretty sure he was just worried. He was pretty much a tsundere most of the time, trying to hide his worry and affection behind annoyance and teasing. It was fine, I could look through it most of the time anyway, and he did show he cared a lot as well. I chuckled a little. "No, I was just enjoying the water," I said, which was only half of the truth. I was also hiding my heated body and my embarrassment, but I am pretty sure he somehow knew that already. "Yeah, just don't make me worry like that next time," he said with a little sigh, a faint smile showing on his lips as he walked me back to our room. He held my hand all the way there tho saying it was so I didn't slip like the clutz I were, but I knew the truth, smiling just enjoying the feeling of his warm hand in mine.

When I got back, I stepped inside, still not really used to the thought that it was my room too. It was a nice feeling. when I went to get some clothes I could change into, I realized a little detail I hadn't thought about, making my face instantly flush a deep shade of red. "C-Can you maybe turn around while I change?..." I asked shyly. I knew it was stupid to worry about that kinda thing. We were mates, for god's sake! I was gonna have to get used to him seeing me naked at some point! But even though I knew that I still blushed shyly as he just mumbled something sounding like 'sure whatever' as he turned around, I turned my back again and quickly got on my boxers. I also took a shirt out of my closet before I got a better idea putting it back and then snatching one of Katsukis T-shirts from his closet and put them over my head before I turned around again. I was about to say it was fine when I noticed him already staring at me "H-How long have you been looking?!" I squeaked out in surprise and embarrassment. "That is so cute..." He just said, almost looking like he was studying how his shirt looked on me, making me flush redder and pout a little. Since that was all he said anything about, I guess he didn't see anything else. that is a relief... "Big shirts are really comfortable, and it smells nice," I just mumbled as an explanation making him smile a little. "I knew you liked my scent, but you almost seem like you are desperate for it now. you know you can just come to me if you wanna smell it more instead of just my clothes, right?" He commented in a teasing manner with a smirk on his face. Before I could answer, he pulled me to him, making me sit in his lap facing him. Well, this is more comfortable than I thought but still embarrassing... I hid my face in his shirt, hugging him totally ignoring his other comment. I couldn't help but deeply inhale his scent. It was sweet and calming. I felt myself relax in his lap, and he seemed to be enjoying being close to me as well, hugging me tightly as well. This feeling I could easily get addicted to.

We sat like that for a while till it was time for dinner, and after that, we just went back. I flopped down on his bed without really thinking about it. Something just made me draw to him and his scent lately more intensely than usual. I rolled myself in his blanket without even asking for permission to sleep there or anything as I just got comfortable. I could hear him chuckle a little at my behavior, making me blush slightly. I don't know what had gotten into me... I just felt like I needed his scent. He sat down on the bed beside where I was laying rolled up in his blankets. I had my back to him, but I could still sense him and feel him on the bed. He also laid down, joining me under the blankets spooning me from behind. I relaxed so well there, being warm and cozy, that I started to feel sleepy...

That didn't last long. Just until there was something warm and wet that licked the nape of my neck, making me jump in surprise, letting out a weird mix of a shriek and a moan. I sat up in a hurry as my cheeks were burning and hit him with a pillow. "Meanie! I was almost asleep, and you had to ruin it!" I pouted, trying to cover the embarrassment I felt from the reaction it gave me. Pretty sure he already had noticed as it was pretty clear on my face. he smirked slightly. "It just looked so inviting~ Besides you are mine, so I can do what I want to you," he said in a teasing tone, obviously implying something making my face go even redder it that was even possible. "Stop teasing me! and I am not an object!" I whined, hitting him with the pillow again. he stopped me easily, still smirking lightly up at me. "You're mine. Maybe not an object, but you are still mine, so better get used to me being in charge. The bite proves it," He said in a teasing manner as he just pulled me down to him again, cuddling me close. I tried to struggle against him, but that didn't work. Not surprising. I also gave up pretty easily since I enjoyed him being close, and the warmth he gave off, and his scent. it was hard to try to go against him when I just wanted to be close to him as well, so I just snuggled up against his chest again. "Meanie..." I mumbled, making him chuckle slightly. "And you love it~," he said back in a teasing tone, making me pout because I knew he was kinda right. "Shut up..."

Well, that is this chapter, and sorry, no super kinky scenes this time, but I am building up to it since you guys seem to want it xD

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