what are you lookin at? chapter 4

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I kinda ended up having to watch bnha again so I could remember the events in the right order I know I could just make it all up from here but I really don't want to right now because I don't have any ideas at all! xD

~~(y/n) pov~~

when we all got to observer room all might had been in with all the others from our class vi had a quick chat about all the things in our battle and what we did good and bad and so on. apparently midoriya had used his powers up stairs and kinda destroyed the most of the building and his arm in the process... somehow me and bakugo had not even noticed it at all even tho it should have shaken the whole building! bakugo also got schooled for letting go of the enemy in the middle of battle witch mean they saw him pinning me to a wall... I'm probably gonna hear about that later... but else! they say we did pretty good and had a good plan but bakugo and iida didn't have a plan at all. after that we got told class was dismissed and we could just leave the school if we wanted too because we already had done that practice fight thing. I stayed to watch the others with midoriya that took notes on the others quirks while they where in fight.

~~Time skip because I'm lazy xD~~

after the fights I went to change in the boys changing room and got a little surprised. bakugo was sitting against the wall across the door sleeping. he probably just wanted to wait for someone but ended up falling asleep. so even he can look so peaceful.. I thought as I smiled at the sight of him. I went over to him and sat down in front of him planning to wake him up. he can't just sleep here you know! he looked so peaceful and kinda cute as he slept there. I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder shaking him a little bit but since I didn't want him to get mad I was careful. "bakugo? wake up you can't sleep here" I said in a low tone. his eyes opened slowly and looked at me. "shit pup? fuck did I fall asleep?" he asked as I backed a little away so I wasn't to close for comfort. I smiled a little bit as I nodded. he shifted his way of sitting and rubbed his eye still looking at me witch made me a little uncomfortable. he frowned a little bit. "well eh I was kinda waiting for you because I wanted to ask about something I noticed when I.. uh fought you back then" he said looking away. I knew he meant when he kinda pinned me to a wall during or fight so I not nodded. "what is it then?" I asked and he looked back at me serious looking but also looked unsure if he could ask me that and I kinda waited for him to ask something wierd or something. "are you an omega? you kinda smell different.." he said. I just laughed at him. "it's just that you wanted to ask? I thought it would be something super wierd!" I said smiling still after laughing a bit. "yea I'm omega except for the heats it's not really a big deal" I answered his question looking at him. "I thought you might not wanna talk about it since you haven't told anyone.." he mumbled looking down a little annoyed for being laughed at. "nah I simply didn't say because nobody asked me! I guess you're an Alfa? I now you're not an omega and you don't seem like a beta so you must ba an Alfa!" I said looking at him curiously. I didn't know why but I really wanted to know. "good you can see that shit pup! of course I'm an Alfa!" he said suddenly yelling a bit even tho I didn't know why. "of course! well I gotta change! you kinda got dirt and dust all over my hero costume!" I said as I stand up and walked over to my stuff to get some clean clothes and change out of the costume. as I stood in my boxer's I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked at bakugo still sitting down and locked eyes with him. I lifted a brow questioned look in my face. "what it is? do I have something on me?" I asked looking down at myself. there was a few scrapes and bruises but nothing to big or wierd. I looked back at him. he looked away from me with his hand covering his mouth and cheeks. "that's not it.. whatever forget it shit pup.." he said and I swear he was blushing under that hand. I finished changing still wondering why the blushed. liking me is impossible and even tho my body isen't bad I don't think it should be something to blush for.. maybe it's my tail he looked at? I gotta ask him! I thought to myself as I looked around. "he's gone.. well I'll just have to ask an other time" I said to myself while gathering my stuff in my bag. when I got everything i walked out of the room ready to go home.

I got home quickly and walked up to my room saying I would go to bed early. as I laid down on my bed I thought about the fight today. "well I didn't defeat bakugo but I did hold on longer than I thought I would so that's a good start" I whispered to myself turning to lay on my side. I thought all the fights though as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

well that's it for now! I know it's going slow but I'm just trying to make it realistic! sorry for all my spelling mistakes and if there is words that don't fit in it's probably my auto correct.. well goodbye for now? xD

word count: 1021

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