Chapter 28

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I had been asleep for a while now. I don't know for how long but I didn't remember any dreams. I'm not even sure if there were any. it was just darkness. then a little light in the distance. "pup?" I heard a familiar voice say somewhere. it sounded like it came from the light. I started walking towards it with a smile recognizing the voice. "Katsuki?" I asked out any way to make sure and to get the light to talk more. "Pup? are you safe?" it said instead of a clear answer but it made me sure. it was him. "yea I am safe... I think I am" I said suddenly doubtful like my memories were foggy in the dream. suddenly a new thing entered the void of darkness. it was from behind the light slowly crawling over the light swallowing it whole. "Katsuki!" I yelled a sudden fear and anxiety overflowing my mind as I started sprinting through the darkness to the light that was slowly creeping over the light like it was feeding off it. I tried to run faster but it was like I started moving through water and not air. I got to the light when there was only a little spark left and as I ran to hug it into my chest and protect it from the darkness it flickered and disappeared right before I got to it. the look and the feeling of hugging nothing other than myself and the slight feeling of the warmth of the light fading away made a strange feeling of emptiness fill me as I collapsed onto my knees and tears sprung out from my eyes as the feeling of the dread and emptiness kept pressing on till I screamed out from the pain in my heart swelling up and then... voices. I almost didn't notice them my pain growing still as my cries because louder. "wake up! (y/n) you gotta wake up!"

suddenly it was like my whole body flinched and I felt someone desperately shaking me and calling out my name as I realized I was still screaming and crying out. I opened my eyes looking around frantically gasping for air like I had been using all of it or forgotten to breathe for a while or something. Midoriya was the one shaking me and looked at me worried and scared. "were is Katsuki? is he okay? does anyone know if he is still alive?!" I said desperately freaking out as I sat up griping Midoriyas arm firmly and desperately. "I'm fine pup I am just fine," a voice said instantly making me relieved and the ease filled me up slowly as a familiar person caressed my hair from a little behind me but still by my side. I turned around and looked at Katsuki with tears of relief flowing down my face as he smiled at me. "I thought... I thought something happened to you... my dream. it felt so real i... i..." I stammered out confused and relieved at the same time. before I could say anymore however he hugged me close into his chest so I could hear his heartbeat in my ear. I pulled him even closer crying my eyes out in relief and also crying out my worries till I calmed down again. Midoriya had left us to catch up and be a little alone because it seemed like we needed some time and he was right. I told him about my nightmare and he told he had a similar dream where he talked to me where I looked like a light in the dark void for him and he was the one in his normal body but with him, the only other thing that appeared in the void was something that felt like an arm grabbing him and dragging him out of the dream. when he woke up he was being interrogated again by the league and asked to join once more which he refused of course.

After catching up for a little a nurse came in and asked them to leave so I could get some rest. I asked if Katuski could stay and after a little hesitating, he got the okay to stay with me but only because we were mates. that was what the nurse said anyway. "It was pretty idiotic of you to hurt yourself like that you know?" Katsuki said with a little smirk even tho his eyes were kind and gentle then. I smiled and nodded a little. "I know but isn't that just my thing? being idiotic sometimes?" I said with a little chuckle. even tho I had been sleeping for a long time I was still really tired but I didn't wanna sleep if I could stay up with Katsuki for just a bit more. a yawn escaped my mouth anyway even tho I didn't want to seem tired. Katsuki noticed of course. "you should get some sleep for now" he said patting my head a little like I was a child. if it hadn't been too comfortable I might have remembered to pout then but I just smiled a little tired smile. "I don't wanna sleep yet. I don't want you to leave" I said as I held onto his sleeve. I was pretty sure me holding onto his sleeve wouldn't stop him if he tried to leave but I still held on tight. "stop being so stubborn you moron! you need to fucking sleep. I won't go anywhere" he said with a tch sound he often made when he was a little moved but wanted it to show as annoyance. I smiled a little to myself feeling like the more time I knew him the more Katsuki became like an open book for me. I mumbled a fine and held his hand instead, with both of mine as I slowly felt myself giving in to the sleep. "I love you..." I mumbled to him as I fell asleep. "I love you too" I heard a whisper back just before warm comfortable darkness pulled me into a deep sleep.

Hello, thanks for all the reads and votes I get even now when I don't upload that often I really appreciate all of your support! see you soon hopefully and hope you like the chapter even if it is a little weird :)

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