chapter 12

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I'm home alone waiting for some chocolate pudding in the refrigerator so I thought why not write a little? I got nothing better to do anyway!

"fated pair?" some upper class man had stopped me in the halls right after school saying something about him thinking I was his fated pair but... idk what that means... literally never heard about it! "yea I'm sure you are my fated pair! I've had this feeling since I saw you that we were ment to be together!" this guy said smiling at me as if I was some random cute girl he wanted to try a new pickup line on. i dont even know this guy's name and his just flirting with me! and what is all this about fated pair?! is that just a part of the lame pickup line? "well sorry but I dont think so.. I don't even know you.." I said rather awkward about this whole situation. please God send someone to save me from this weird ass senpai that for some reason decided to try lame pickup lines on meee! I called out in my head. "YOU FUCKING SHIT HEAD GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY PUP YA HEAR?!!!" i heard a familiar voice yell while explosions could be heard in the background. I looked in the direction of the voice to see a mad ass bakugou going fast but intimidating forward us as small explosions was emitting from his hands. "bakugou!" I said kinda surprised feeling like my little prayer was heard even tho it was probably just a coincidence or something. the guy flirting with me a second ago just ran away as fast as he could for some reason more scared that I expected. bakugou was smaller than him.. makes it feel a little weird for some reason. "stop letting distress signals out all over the fucking place! he is gone now you know shit pup" he said irritated. I felt calm with him here and protected. "oh thanks! and eh.. sorry?" I said not even noticing I had been giving out signals at all. "hey call me katsuki" he said suddenly. "huh wha?" I said confused. "you still calling me bakugou annoys me! just call me katsuki!" he said with an expression that both looked like irritation and embarrassment. what's to be embarrassed about? hes a weird hot headed guy... "erm sure.. thanks then katsuki" I said feeling weird about saying his first name. I guess it's not that big of a deal but it kinda felt important...

he hasn't even said anything about the collar I've begun wearing every day! he still stares at it from time to time but that's it. I thought he would yell at me about it or something but he has not even pointed at it! he has begun talking to me in the breaks and walking till and from school with me and even tho he still tells at me pretty often and calls me shit pup from time to time he still isn't as bad as usual. "why don't you invite that friend of yours over here for dinner? I would like to get to know him" my mom said smiling as usual. she probably has already guessed he's the one that marked me, she is pretty clever after all besides it's pretty easy to see there is something going on with us, even my dad catched onto that! yesterday he asked me if I was gay so I guess he thinks I have a thing for katsuki, which is true I guess? but I wouldn't say that made me 100% gay. my mom and dad were ready for me to end up gay since they found out I was an omega but still... it feels kinda wierd just to labelled as gay if you like one guy, I would rather call myself a bi. I got out of my thoughts and back into reality. "sure I can ask" I answered fast and said bye and went out the door. katsuki was waiting beside the light pole and the usual meeting spot. I ran up to him with a smile on my face. "morning!" I said happily. "morning" he said and I know he was happy to see me but he hid it behind an expression of annoyance. "do you wanna come over after school and have dinner? my mom really wanna get to know you. she kinda figured out it was you that was my mate, my dad still doesn't have a clue about that tho!" I asked him happily. I had told him that I first officially would tell them that we were mates when my mom and dad knew him a little better. I was a little scared of my dads reaction if I told him without him knowing who it was and such... he thinks that if I wanna be with someone like in a relationship he has to know them first or he'll hunt them down so I dont wanna know what he'll do if I got a mate out of the blue. "sure I'll go with you! it's better than being with my old hag!" he said sounding irritated thinking of her. if what I was told is true katsuki and his mom has an... unique relationship... they don't hate each other or anything  but they fight an awful lot but they should have the same temper so that makes sense! "okay! I'll text my mom about it later now let's get going!" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him with me to school.

the teacher whitch was aisawa came in and everybody found their seat. "today you have to choose a hero agency to go to during your internship and choose wisely since this will be the only internship this year" he said seriously while handing out papers were the different hero agency's where listed on. "there might have been someone giving special offers to some of you because of how you did in the sports festival" he said sounding both tired and serious. I looked at my paper and saw my dad's hero agency was written on the paper and I immediately knew I wanted to go there! a wolf being trained by a werewolf seems appropriate. I wrote his agency down and handed the paper over to aisawa. this is gonna be a fun intern!

welp... that's this chapter I guess! I'm kinda amazed about how my reads suddenly went 300 reads up in what? maybe 5 day's? thanks for the 1000 reads! see ya~

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