Chapter Eleven-The Argument

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"Hey Drake," Charles waves seeing the blond man walk in the doors. Draco furrows his eyebrows hearing the slightly different tone coming from his usually jubilant supervisor.

"Hey Charles, you alright?" Draco puts his stuff in his locker, he's early today. He wanted to get some swimming in today, Charles usually lets him swim before they open. 

"Drake, I saw," Charles says looking at the blond. Watching his face take on a look of confusion.

"Saw what?" Draco takes a seat next to his friend. His heart is pounding. He doesn't know why, but the way Charles is looking can't be good.

"I know you're... magic," Charles says looking straight into the grey eyes across from him. His dark blue eyes a little widened seeing the look of horror on Drake's face.

"What? Haha, funny," Draco rubs the back of his neck and huffs out a laugh, this is not what he was expecting today.

"I'm not joking, I know you are. I was walking out of work and saw you just... disappear. I checked the cameras and I saw you and that other guy use magic. I saw you make that spill on your shirt vanish and then you two just vanished as well," Charles explains watching Drake's face fall.

"Shit, is the video still there? Did you tell anyone? Fuck," Draco grips his hair tightly. Charles throws his hands in front of him waving them wildly trying to calm down the blond man.

"I deleted it. I didn't tell anyone, not like they'd believe me anyway," Charles says quietly. "So, it's real then?"

"Is what real?"

"Magic, is magic real?" Charles says seriously staring him down like someone would when interrogating someone. Draco sighs and rubs his temples slightly. This is not how he thought his day would go at all.

"Yes, it is very much real," Draco says quietly looking at the ceiling.

"Cool, can you show me?" Charles gains some of his usual excitement back. He really thought he was going crazy.

"Uh, I guess?" Draco says walking towards his bag. He pulls out his wand and furrows his eyebrows. He points at the chair he was sitting in. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The chair lifts up and Charles opens his mouth in awe, it's not everyday you see something like that. Draco lets the chair fall back to the floor and looks over at Charles. Charles simply stares, the chair is laying sideways on the floor and Draco is twirling his stick--wand in his hand. He throws it back into his bag and goes over to fix the chair. 

"That was wicked," Charles says practically bouncing in his seat.

"That's a first year spell, very simple actually," Draco says throwing a towel over his shoulders. "Now, you cannot tell anyone about this, alright? The Ministry has very strict rules about wizards doing magic in front of muggles, so we can't speak of this." 

"What's a muggle?" Charles already knows he's not going to tell anyone. No one would believe him anyway, his boyfriend would probably think he's crazy. 

"Non-magic person. So, you," Draco says shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I'm going to go swim my laps." 

Draco walks to the edge of the lap pool and tightens the goggles on his eyes, he takes a deep breath before diving into the cool waters and swimming like his life depends on it. 


A few hours later Draco is sitting in his guard chair watching the people swim around him, the last few hours have been weird. Charles keeps staring at him, like he's some kind of circus act. It's a little unnerving but he doesn't want to say anything to his friend. Charles has always been a weird one, but today he's just even more weird. Draco guesses that seeing one of your best mates performing magic, and not the pull a rabbit out of a hat type of magic, would make anyone look at that person different. At least Chelsea and him are on their breaks together, he's been quietly whispering to her every break about what he's supposed to do. It's not like he can obliviate him without him noticing something was wrong. Chelsea shrugs her shoulders, she doesn't know what to do either. 

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