Chapter Twenty One- DOA

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Looking at the calendar Draco sighs loudly. It is currently seven thirty am on August seventeenth, way too early for a Sunday morning and way too early to be feeling this annoyed. His neck is sore from sleeping on the couch for the second week in a row, since sleeping in his bed seems to be too much for him, it remind him of when Harry would stay over. It's been a few days since he's been to work, Charles has been begging him to come in as he needs some more help. Draco just hasn't felt like doing anything since the papers have been hounding him about Harry's and his relationship.

How is he supposed to tell them if he doesn't even know?

Harry has been very good at keeping his word, after owling over the love potion antidote he promised he wouldn't talk to him until Draco was ready. Draco is kind of regretting not writing him back, he misses his brunet. It's weird, getting so used to being around him for two months just to have it ripped away like that. But Draco isn't sure if he's ready to face seeing him again, not yet at least. Those words stung, by now they just feel like a slight paper cut compared to being slashed open and gutted by a sword like it had originally felt. Hermione has stopped over a few times, complaining about Ron and other things. Draco finds it comforting, she doesn't bring up Harry and doesn't say anything about him unless Draco asks. Ron on the other hand is a lot less subtle. Draco stormed out of the room the first time Ron had said something about Harry around a week and a half ago. Draco wasn't ready to talk about it, but Ron sure was.

Draco smiles smugly remembering the deadly shouts of Hermione echoing in his apartment as he slammed his bedroom door shut after Ron had made some offhand comment about Harry being miserable. It made him feel slightly better after hearing Hermione rip him a new one.

He sighs, he knows he needs to go into work today, he really doesn't want to though. He really just wants to lay on the couch and not think about anything at all. Though, Charles hasn't stopped blowing up his phone for the last few hours so he assumes that maybe he might actually need him today instead of Charles just being Charles and wanting someone to talk to. Getting up from his couch seems to take more effort than Draco wants to exert.

He grabs his bag from where he had thrown it in the closet a few days ago and grabs his car keys, swinging them around his fingers as he procrastinates going to work. He sighs, he can only procrastinate too long, so before he can talk himself out of it he opens his apartment door and locks it behind him quickly. He looks at the elevator and groans, down again, it never seems to be working and today he could have used that little bit of help getting to his car. He glares at the elevator and curses whoever maintains the building before descending down the ridiculous amounts of stairs towards his car. Stepping out into the early morning he glares, it's already hot and he is not looking forward to getting sunburnt or dealing with any stupid girls today, as when it's hot they flock to the umbrellas and flock to Draco. Is it too much to ask for, for one more week of moping before he has to deal with anyone?

He opens the door of his car after clicking it unlocked and steps into the sun warmed cab while throwing his bag into the passenger seat, his seat is uncomfortably hot and his seatbelt seems to want to brand him. He turns the ignition listening to the car hum to life, he taps his fingers on the steering wheel and furrows his eyebrows. His CD is slightly skipping, he sighs knowing that he needs to get a new one or change the radio to live music, he doesn't want to listen to whatever everyone else is, music hasn't been good lately. He digs around in his little CD case, the ridiculously pink CD case, thumbing through the large amounts of CD's he debates on what to listen to before pulling out the blue one that Pansy had given him around a month ago. He sets it on shuffle listening to the music fill the cab.

Driving down the streets he listens to the music, quite enjoying how the traffic seems nonexistent on this early Sunday.

"Stood on my roof and tried to see you forgetting about me," Draco frowns. He really likes this song but it kind of cuts him a little. Harry hasn't been around Hermione and Ron anytime he's around, a small part of him was hoping they would run into each other and they could actually talk about it instead of all this open air. He doesn't know why but hearing the song makes him think Harry is forgetting about him. He's being dramatic and he knows it, just the annoyance of everything turning his thoughts sour is all.

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