Chapter Thirty Four- Working

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Sitting in his chair, Draco stares out at the pool. His thoughts running a million miles an hour, sure the last few weeks have been amazing, he really doesn't have a reason to feel like he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Not that he feels like he's going to start bawling his eyes out or something as embarrassing as that. He simply feels as if he has so much to think about that his brain is about to turn into mush in the next few minutes.

Really, life has been good. Harry and himself have grown closer, he loves spending time with his idiotic brunet but the end of the pool season is creeping up quickly. What is he going to do with himself and now Harry when the season ends? There is only a few more weeks that the pool is open, what if this was the one thing keeping Draco stable? It was his therapy the first few years, getting used to being around people-- muggles at that-- and figuring out if he has the mental capacity to deal with people. What is he going to do now that he can't have his few hours of simply doing his job and not worrying about anything else? Sure, he really likes Harry and his company, but he really enjoys his 'alone' time when he is left alone to simply watch people swim. Would Harry even understand that sometimes he just simply likes being left to his own devices? He doesn't know how to bring that up without sounding weird, "Sorry, I just like to be alone and self sabotage in the open so I can't do anything about it?"

Sounds completely barmy if you ask him.

He is probably thinking way too deeply into these things. He can see Harry across the pool deck, he is talking to one of the younger guards he doesn't know, looking completely in his element. In the last few weeks that Harry has been coming to work at the pool people seem to flock to him. It's probably his overwhelming empathetic nature and just his extremely welcoming face, Draco supposes.

He tries not to scowl at the way the girl seems to be enraptured by every word that Harry is saying, his eyes are looking at the pool so he can't see the look the girl is giving him. Draco has no reason to feel jealous, none at all, does that mean he is not going to feel that way?


His eyes narrow under his sunglasses when the girl rests her hand on Harry's shoulder. That hand should be burned off. It is like Harry doesn't even notice, Draco wants to put a giant sign on Harry's forehead that says "Property of Draco Malfoy, touch and you will be thrown in front of a moving bus!!"

He snorts at his own thoughts, Harry isn't even giving the girl any attention. He really should ignore them, he knows Harry way too well, he understands Harry is oblivious to anyone and everything flirting with him. Draco looks over at the clock, the radio is blaring some overly hyped up pop song that he absolutely cannot stand. He will blame that on his bad mood.

The clock reads five minutes before their pool break. He cannot wait to show that girl who Harry belongs to. Sure, he may be a bit vindictive. But do not mess with his boyfriend so blatantly in front of him. The song finally ends is playing a decent one, so Draco can't ignore the idiocy of the girl across from him, messing with his boyfriend.

"Walk," Draco drawls a few minutes later watching a group of teens rush passed him quickly, cutting his attention away from Harry and the problem.

The teens roll their eyes at him, so Draco scowls back at them. That seems to make them stop their mad dash towards the slides. This makes Draco's sour mood slightly better, he still has the ability to scare children. He watches them slowly walk towards the entrance of the slides, his grin growing when he notices that Chelsea is closing the gates as the pool break is about to start. Seeing their sad faces makes his light up with joy.

"Ten minute pool break, please exit the pool!" Charles cheery voice echoes around the pool deck and Draco lets a small smirk fall onto his face. He blows his whistle and waits for the people to exit the water. Harry is waiting as well, the girl is talking more animated to him now. Harry is giving her his easy smile and Draco adopts a deeper scowl.

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