Chapter Thirty Five- Last Day

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The next week is more than good.

Draco is pleasantly surprised at how well his luck has seemed to turn out.

Even the next month seems to be going great as well.

Staring at the pool Draco smiles sadly. He always hates the last day, he never knows if it will be the last time he sees some of his favourite coworkers. It's stupid to feel this way, he knows. But still, the thought of never seeing Charles or Chelsea again at the pool makes him sad. He knows that they will always be a phone call away, but it seems different.

"What's got you looking so melancholic?" Draco smiles as Harry slings his arm over his shoulder.

"Just thinking," Draco says watching the patrons walk out of the pool, the final whistle had been blown a minute before. People are always slow to get out, especially if it is the last day. They always slink to the side of the pool, taking their time to soak in the last bits of cool water. Then slowly drag themselves up the steps and onto the concrete before finally wrapping themselves in their towels and finally, finally, leaving.

"Anything you want to talk about?" Harry asks pulling Draco closer to him, Draco quirks a small smile and laughs at Harry quietly.

"No, it's nothing serious," Draco smiles towards the brunet. His emerald eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses (the ones he had stolen off of Draco's coffee table earlier that week), but his stare still felt.

Harry just nods his head, his arm a warm presence on Draco's shoulders. Draco wraps his arm around Harry's waist, ignoring the stares from the last patrons. Honestly, they should be used to the two's displays of affection.

"What are my two favourite lovebirds going to do without me now?" Charles asks flinging his arm over Draco's other shoulder.

"Probably be sane until May," Draco jokes smirking at the offended Charles.

"Please," Charles starts laying a hand over his heart. "You two cannot function without me."

"Uh huh," Harry jokes looking at the other brunet with a fake scowl. Charles huffs, sticking his tongue out playfully.

Finally, after what seems like years, the last person is off of the pool deck so the trio can make their way back towards the office. Harry has taken to holding Draco's hand while Charles has his arm over Draco's shoulder. Harry is absentmindedly swinging their hands between them.

Draco smiles, his face splitting into a wide grin at the feeling of two of the most important people surrounding him.


"Well, we are having a end of season get together next week, you two down?" Charles asks when they have finished cleaning out their lockers and clocked out for the last time this year.

"Of course," Draco says Harry nodding his head beside him.

"Perfect, I'll text you the details later?"

Draco just nods and waves at Charles when he walks to his car. Harry slips into the passenger seat throwing their backpacks in the backseat. Draco turns the car on, watching Harry out of his peripheral vision buckling himself in. Draco smiles to himself, watching Harry sing along to the radio as they drive back to Draco's apartment.

Thinking can be a bad thing, sometimes.

But right now, at this moment, Draco thinks that thinking can be a beautiful thing.

He thinks about his life and the complete three-sixty it has done in the last four months. The way his life has gone from black and white to something filled with so much colour. The way his life seems to have a purpose, oh such glorious purpose.

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