Chapter Ten- It's Malfoy, Bitch

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While sitting at his desk Harry comes to the conclusion that he hates the Daily Prophet more than anything at the moment. It seems that any little bit of privacy he has is definitely not private anymore. It's been a couple weeks since Draco's birthday and the two have grown a lot closer, they go out quite a lot now.

Why they must constantly know everything about his love life is baffling, it shouldn't matter who he fancies or who he is dating. The latest article is one from a couple days ago when Draco and him went out to Diagon Alley again to meet up with Ron and Hermione, the four of them are laughing at something and then it shows Draco holding Harry's hand tightly. The only reason he's not completely annoyed is because they do get some pretty flattering pictures of them. They are a handsome couple if he does say so himself.

It's been about a month that the two have been dating and no one seems to understand that he is not under the influence of some love potion or some sort of trickery. It's annoying reading the papers and seeing everyone bash the man that he fancies. He doesn't even remember getting this much press coverage when he was dating Ginny, he supposes because that was what was expected of him. Even when they split there wasn't as much coverage, just the first paper bashing Ginny but never like this. He thinks it would be easier to just tell them to bugger off and go to America but he'd miss everything too much.

He supposes the people need their gossip. But why it has to constantly be him, he doesn't know. It would be so much easier if people just let it go, let them do their own thing without constantly needing to know the why's and how they came to be. It's none of their concern anyway.

Draco's day isn't faring much better. Ever since he started going out with Harry, it seems like the wizarding world needs to know where he works now too. The amount of poorly muggle dressed Prophet reporters constantly trying to get in is starting to irritate him, he's had to come up with excuses of why people are always taking pictures of him now. Charles finds it funny, the git wouldn't think it was funny if it was him. His privacy is constantly being invaded, people always asking such stupid questions and asking him if he's somehow poisoned the Golden Boy.

His mother has been asking when she gets to see Harry again, the initial meeting made her excited to see him again. She send him at least an owl a day, something he didn't think would actually bother him as much as it did. It's not that he doesn't love his mother, it's just that she is only asking about Harry. She's already met him once, why does she need to have a sit down meal with him?

The day ends quickly, it was a boring day, slow and not many people because it was slightly cold. He quickly changes after talking to Chelsea and Charles a little bit. Charles really wants to go on a double date with his 'hot new boy toy,' and will not take no for an answer. After finally escaping his overbearing supervisor he clocks out quickly. Climbing into his car he jumps when someone knocks on his window. He rolls down his tinted windows and is very surprised to see a wand pointed in his face. He throws his hands in the air, the very obviously wizard robes make him roll his eyes. The wizard casts a quick spell to unlock the car door and then firing another one that makes his soda explode all over him.

"Really? You're going to point your wand at me in the middle of a very muggle establishment? And did you really need to ruin my clothes too? Does it fuel your ego?" Draco sighs lowering his hands. "I'm going to unbuckle my seatbelt and turn off my car, alright?"

He takes the nod as an answer and undoes his seatbelt, turning off his car and stepping out, maybe accidentally hitting the man with his door. He uses his wand and quickly cleans off his shirt before putting his wand in his back pocket.

"Mr. Malfroy, we need you at the Ministry for some questioning," the Auror stares at the blond with a look of disgust. Draco looks slightly offended, he seriously doesn't know his last name? "Now."

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