Chapter Sixteen-Flowers

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Mentions of touchy subjects ie. deaths and a slight drug addiction, just a slight warning as I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable, there won't be warnings after the asterisks because it encompasses most of the rest of the chapter and I don't want to put it at every mention.

"I've told you sixteen bloody times, I feel fine!" Draco shouts watching Ginny snicker at him, Luna smiles at the nurse who dashes out of the room after dealing with an annoyed Draco.

"She seemed nice," Luna says glancing towards the swinging door, a far away smile on her face. Draco simply rolls his eyes and coughs slightly. His chest still hurts, that's to be expected since he did inhale a lot of water. Ginny just nods at her girlfriend and turns back towards Draco, he is staring out the window with an annoyed look on his face and a scowl covering his lips. She chuckles slightly and dodges the pillow that is thrown at her.

"You're in a great mood, this scene is very different than the time Buckbeak got you," Ginny dodges another thrown pillow once again and ignores the rude words spilling out of Draco's mouth. Times like this she remembers the bully from school, but now she knows he's only joking.

"That bloody chicken actually broke my elbow," Draco huffs ignoring the loud cackles of the red headed witch and instead turns to look at the blonde witch seated at the end of his bed. Luna smiles her pretty smile and brushes a piece of her platinum hair behind her ear.

"Your poor elbow, did it ever recover?" Ginny jokes nudging him in the side, Draco jumps slightly shoving her hand away and muttering more curses under his breath. "Oh Merlin, are you ticklish? The Draco Malfoy is ticklish!"

"He has very ticklish sides, he once threatened to hex me if I kept tickling him. He never did though," Luna says smiling at the glaring blond man. Ginny raises her hand menacingly and Draco inches away on the bed quickly, his eyes wide and pulling the blanket tighter around him.

"Touch me and I will kill you, Weaslette," Draco says watching Ginny inch her hand closer and closer. The grin on her face makes Draco fear for his life. She quickly attacks his side making him yelp and start to laugh. Ginny smirks and continues to tickle him ignoring his shrieks.

"Ginny, Draco seems very angry. I think you should stop before he does kill you," Luna says quite enjoying the show of Draco's attempt to get away.

"I agree with Luna, Gin," Ginny pops her head up hearing the other masculine voice in the door and smiles widely.

"Harry!" Ginny jumps up and rushes towards the door, she wraps him up in a tight hug before shoving him towards the blonde's on the bed. Draco glares at Ginny before setting his eyes on Harry, his hair is a little wind tousled and he looks slightly out of breath but still beautiful.

"I came as soon as I could, Kingsley wanted me to tell you to stop almost dying," Harry says sitting down on the side of the bed next to his lover. Draco lets out a small laugh and intertwines his hands with the slightly darker ones of Harry. He just nods his head and lets out a snort.

"I'll try, next time I'll let the other guard drown," Draco looks over at the slightly worried emerald eyes and gives him a small smile.


A few days later Draco is sitting alone in his flat, he's been allowed to take leave from work until next week on doctors orders. Harry has been away, on a new lead with Ron so Draco has been left by himself to think.

Thinking has always been a terribly bad thing, the way his mind runs like a sprinter on the last twenty five of the track. He doesn't have a reason to be upset, maybe he's been too happy for far too long. His mind isn't used to the carefree happiness that it has been experiencing. He almost feels guilty for feeling like this, he has been away from everything magical for so long. It's a strange feeling being thrust back into a world he had run away from, a place that killed any of the childlike innocence of his youth. He feels the waves of sadness pulling him down like a rip current, deep into the depths of an ocean of guilt and pain.

Lifeguards (a Drarry Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora