Chapter Thirty Nine- In Love

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Looking at the scene in front of him, Draco really doesn't know how to form words. They seem to escape him and it makes it hard to hide a smile. He thinks about the last ten minutes that had led him to this moment.

He had just woke up, Harry's side of the bed was cold and he was confused why, as it was only seven on a Saturday morning. He stayed in bed for a little longer, wondering where the brunet could have run off to. The smell of food made its way to his nose and his curiosity peaked. He had an idea of what his boyfriend was doing. He hadn't originally planned on getting out of bed, he was going to sleep the day away. It was way too early to actually be a productive human and it was the weekend. Sure, he didn't really have an actual job during the off season, but his body was used to the schedule of sleeping in on the weekends. He could hear the sound of Harry mixing something in a bowl, a little bit of the music playing, and he could faintly hear something sizzling.

He finally crawled out of bed around ten minutes later, he was getting hungry and would love to steal some of whatever Harry is making. It was very cold in the flat, he really appreciated his carpet today. He grabs what he thinks is his jumper from the floor and throws it on. It's a little small on him, apparently it is not his. He had been noticing that Harry's stuff had been appearing more and more in his flat, he didn't mind. He just needed to remember to check whose toothbrush he grabbed in the mornings, it wasn't just his anymore. He also had to make sure he grabbed his shampoo and not the plebian kind that Harry has brought over. He may have also had to check whose pants were whose when changing a couple times. He really doesn't mind. It makes him smile seeing Harry's favourite book sitting on the nightstand on the side Harry has taken as his own.

He had walked towards the kitchen, listening to the sound of the radio playing quietly. He hadn't meant to spook Harry, but he couldn't help the small chuckle at the sight in front of him. Harry was dancing a little sporadically while flipping a piece of bacon in the frying pan. He was mouthing the words of the song playing on the radio. So, Draco chuckled at the sight, it was very entertaining.

Harry whips around, holding the spatula like a weapon and Draco can't help the loud snort that erupts from his mouth at the sight. Harry is looking at him wide eyed, the spatula dripping a little grease on the tiles.

"I was going to surprise you," Harry pouts slightly. His hand has lowered the spatula and he has turned back towards the bacon he was cooking. His eyes slightly narrowed at Draco, Draco knows he is just kidding though.

"I can go back to bed and pretend I didn't see this," Draco smirks watching Harry scowl at him. He offers the brunet a cheeky grin and leans on the doorframe.

"No point now," Harry says smiling instead of scowling now. "Sit down, the pancakes will be done soon anyway."

Draco just watches as Harry flips the pancakes effortlessly. His smile never lessening at the sight. It is a sight that he could get very used to. He really wouldn't mind waking up to the brunet every day, the pancakes are a good bonus too. He really does enjoy the chocolate chip pancakes that Harry makes.

A few minutes later, Harry has expertly plated all of the food and dramatically laid it in front of Draco before grabbing his own plate.

They eat in relative silence, the pancakes are absolutely divine. Draco would gladly eat pancakes everyday for the rest of his life. Especially if the one making them looks that gorgeous too. He thinks it is a win-win.


"I really don't know why you had to kidnap me," Draco groans being dragged by the ginger. He was having a good lazy day, Harry had been perfectly comfortable and Draco was slightly annoyed when the red head had popped in and stolen him away.

Lifeguards (a Drarry Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz