Chapter 32: New thinking

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AUG simply stared at the doll both of them clearly weren't amused by the unwillingness of cooperation from both sides.

AUG: Why should we notify of such a matter when this has been discussed quite long ago?

R4 simply made a sign with her finger to R3 who took a step back and reached for a panel, double sealing the entrance as the boom gates kept low but now a new metal gate slid from side to side from the inside and the outside, closing the entire and only gate into the base.

R4: I don't care who you are or what you discussed with my commander but I have strict orders to not let anyone through that doesn't belong to this base, and that includes all of you

AUG: We need to get through, it's of urgent matter as said before

R4 quickly and swiftly unslung her SMG from her shoulder and with a simple flick changed from the safety into full auto.

R4: And I said come back tomorrow with a permit, final warning

AUG quickly reacted with the same action the guard doll did, however, she was quickly taken back as she noticed the red dot of a sniper rifle neatly aiming at her chest, her eyes drifting up into the guard tower in the middle of the base, the reflection of a scope glistening with the rays of the sun.

???: AUG put the weapon down

Said a woman who came from the furthest humvee on the back of the convoy, red trenchcoat, gray hair, and a monocle adorning one of her eyes as well as a commanding tablet on her hand. The doll obliged quite quickly hearing the woman's voice and just simply lowered the gun, R4 noticed this and immediately picked up that was the VIP or at least the leader of the convoy, looked important so deciding to help her ease tensions somewhat she signaled R3 to lower her MG entirely, her sister not so sure about that but R4's stare was dead cold letting her know she better do it.

???: Sorry for our intrusion but we must go through, it's an order from main HQ

R4: We were still not informed of this so as important as it might be you are not getting through unless our commander says otherwise

The woman hummed and stared at the doll guarding the gates.

???: And tell me would it be possible for your commander to let us in now if we or you inform him of our presence? I thought i informed him though... 

R4: And who are you if I can know?

Helian: Helianthus from G&K main circle, sent here on a matter to be dealt with by Mr.Nikolay and Kryuger, however as he can't deal with such thing at the moment I have been assigned with doing the task

She said plain, simple and directly adjusting her monocle after, R4 looked back at R3 who looked at her, it looked legit.

R3: I will go contact him right now and inform of your presence, however, be warned that we already informed G&K of our lockdown so we won't be so forgiving next time if you come here without a proper document or appointment


Alyona: Hm... She is still asleep...

Thought Alyona as she looked at Alisa, still somewhat clinging onto her in her dreams. It was morning already and she knew she better discuss that matter with Nikolay as soon as she could or else they would have to wait the entire day till evening to get some free time from Nikolay. Carefully Alyona left the bed, making sure to not wake up Alisa as she did, at the end as she finally got out of bed she changed clothes into her new everyday uniform and made her way to Nikolay's office, however she stopped right before the door looking back at the kitchen and then staring at the bedroom's door.

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