The Problem with Isolation

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this is not some other story i'm posting or a poem or some other crappy promo I thought of and decided to post in this book. what im about to say on here you may disagree with and that's fine we are all entitled to our own opinions. this may come across as political in some ways but its not. this is simply the truth of what I have personally seen and based off what I know. feel free to send me messages on here or comment your opinions and outlooks id love to see walls thoughts on the matter. before I get into this here is your disclaimer this has talk of suicide and depression if this bothers you don't read it. I personally have sever anxiety and depression I also have OCD and ADHD my anxiety causes seizures and this has all been medically diagnosed so again if these topics disturb you don't read it I do not intend for this to be graphic but I know the topic is hard for some people. ***this is strictly what I've seen and what I think with research I did***

isolation will slowly deteriorate your mind. I want you to think about that. 

I wrote a story the other night called the silence and that in a way links in with this but let me share with you the reality of silence and isolation.

the rates of suicides have increased the rate of mental illnesses have increased. let me share with you why yes all generations have a hard time adapting to change but this gen has struggled pretty heftily. you take a massive group of children that has been allowed to do in a way anything they'd like from social media to the real world and you put them in isolation with no warning. 

let me put this in perspective the kids (and adults) who could go to the mall can't they can't go to school they can't hang out with their friends they can't have family over for thanksgiving in some states. they are reserved to a computer for classes and 4 walls because many get board of the outdoors there's no-one there to goof off with them besides maybe their siblings in some cases. this starts to get heavy for some kids they can do nothing and go nowhere.their grades are dropping because learning through a screen is harder than it looks it really is especially for those who are hard of hearing or have eyesight problems bad internet at home or are hands on learners who no longer have that hands on access. 

this will cause a down hill spiral for a lot of kids. they may not have their friends to talk to because over the phone or text message is not the same as in person. 

kids won't speak up about their growing anxiety and depression over these kinds of things and let me tell you why.

until recently and still in many places mental illnesses issues (whatever you feel comfortable calling it) has been so harshly looked down on because no-one wanted to believe you can be sick or broken in a way they can't physically see it. some kids are afraid they will be shamed because their "weak" "attention seeking" "lying" or some other wild excuse people have given them about it. 

kids that get abused at home no longer have an escape route when everything gets closed.

being in isolation for to long can destroy a persons mind in ways you would not believe.

this is why suicides have gone up, kids with depression before the lock downs and covid happened have spiraled further and have no help in their mind set and they start trying to find the wrong ways out.

kids that were actually happy before the lockdowns are starting to go down as well. anxiety for already highly anxious kids are getting worse because of school and grades and the uncertainty of whatever tomorrow will bring for them in this disaster of a time. other kids are starting to grow anxious for the same reasons and over the captivity they have to deal with.

isolation can be healthy in some aspects but a prolonged total isolation period can have detrimental consequent.

mental issues are more accepted right now and that's amazing it is because people are finally waking up to the fact that this isn't something you fake or use for attention.

you cannot take someone anyone under most circumstances and completely isolate them from everyone and everything you just can't. it is not healthy for the mental health. 

to make it worse you take a generation who has been allowed to do whatever and never really made to be adaptable to change and you put them in isolation. its catastophic and the truth of this is showing everyday I don't mean to sound harsh or hateful to this generation by no means but I also need you to understand that the more recent generations and I mean around the like last three have tended to be softer about the simple things they shouldn't be I mean a lot more easier to offend that statement alone will upset a good vast amount of people who read it and that's alright to believe it or not that is the truth and its starting to show vividly to everyone how true that statement is. 

no-one was prepared for the extreme isolation we were all forced into i'm not exactly sure that you could prepare for that.

yesterday a kid logged onto his zoom class and shot himself in the head. that is a harsh reality of how intensely erosive isolation and depression can be to your mind. I know that's difficult to talk about suicide always is. But look at the statistics on this from 2019 and early 2020 look at the rates of suicide and mental illnesses as a whole compared to the last several months. it has increased drastically.

the lock down was meant to help don't get me wrong and it did until it went on to long and the mental stability of people started to  plummet and it's not just kids but adults to who can not longer go to work and are struggling financially. 

this will upset a lot of you for a lot of reasons and thats fine everyone is entitled to believe what they want and feel what they want that is their right and I respect that whole heartedly. im apologizing now if this came off insulting because it wasn't intended to come out that way.

I do want to say thank you however because mental health has become a much more accepted then what it was say about a year ago. people are opening up to the idea that this isn't just some made up madness people come up with for whatever reason. i'm really proud to see the amount of improvement over mental health awareness.

you are not as alone as you think you are and that permanent exit isn't the best way out. if you feel anxious just know that its all gonna be ok at some point or another it may take awhile but it will be ok again. its hard I know but it will be ok I don't care if your a guy girl or identify as something else I don't care if your gay lesbian black white asian I do not care you are loved and you are important. you are NOT alone please understand this do not think your can't talk about things like this whether is be depression anxiety ptsd ocd anything because you can. 

id love to see y'alls thoughts and opinions on the matter so feel free to comment or if you want to talk to me privately you can txt me in the message part of the app.

I hope everyone has a great day and is doing amazing and please remember that it does get better given some time it will get better. 

The Wondering MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora