Moon Child

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The girl in the picture looks like me but don't be fooled, you see she's an imposter, a magnificent actor she looks like me but she's far different.

She smiles and laughs, she's bright and happy she's strong and confident but take a look behind that locked bedroom door sitting on the floor is the me you don't see.

She hides from the light and dances in the night but that light in her eyes is not hers it's the stars that dance in the night sky. If you listen real close you'll hear the beats of a broken heart it's the melodic rhythm she dances to most nights.

She's alone and cold in more ways than one and that deathly silent hour when all lights are out just before dawn breaks but not before nights end you'll see she holds no more real light of her own.

She's thick and thin never small enough to fade into nothing but not big enough to swallow her grief.

She dances in the nights and blends beautifully into the shadows but when the sun comes up her sunlit puppet comes forward to play.

That girl you see holds no insecurities you see, she's confident and proud the girl she should be she speaks boldly never skipping a beat but behind that locked door take a look into that pitch black room you'll see the master behind that ruse.

When the sun rises her broken song pauses and she plays a new part. Some call her a moon child in most ways she is, she's lit by the moon and stars and prefers the night over day, she walks with wolves when she's strolls through the woods but my darling you see she's the darkness inside you you never did wish to see she's what lurks in the corners of your mind.

Moon child indeed but hidden scars in truth.

She's full of shame and insecurity riddled with scars and lies that bleed into her veins, her eyes dark and weary, she sees everything you dread others will see and run from.

She is what you fear to face in the light but will sit with in the dark. She is the truth. So when the sun rises that door is locked. Always locked.

No one dares look to their shadow in broad day.

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