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Do you ever find it odd how light can take physical forms

What I mean is someone can become light 

That's why their called the light of your life 

Isn't it funny how literal that phrase is

they light up all the dark and when its to dark for them to shine through they sit with you and act as a nightlight instead of your sun 

they sit with you even when its so dark they can't hardly shine through it

their not always a partner/significant other it can be a friend or relative 

its truly amazing how the light works

still shining just to give you something besides darkness to look at

even more amazing how they encourage you to become a brighter light yourself 

not just for yourself but others as well just as they did for you

I truly hope everyone finds the light of their life

whether its a guy a girl or whoever you decide to be I hope you can find your light 

I pray to God everyone can find that light in the dark they need even if they don't realize how much they need that little flicker of light

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