13 | Do You Understand

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Y'all know what to do if you want an early update! 6 comments from different accounts for an early update!

"You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature."

Summer was a tad delirious when she woke up, shocked when she saw it was nearly seven o'clock. She slept almost the whole day. She sat up and frowned when Loki wasn't beside her. He told her that he'd be back for dinner, and it was two hours past that.

She rubbed her tired eyes, swung her feet off the side of the bed, and called for the maid.

She was quick to scurry in. "Yes, m'lady?"

"Where's Loki?" Summer yawned and stretched her achy limbs.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm afraid I don't know."

Summer frowned. "I guess I'll go find him. Thank you."

She was quite surprised how empty the castle hallways were, normally they were always filled with guards. She wandered around the huge building, finding hardly anyone. The few she did find, knew nothing of Loki's whereabouts.

Then she came across a door she's never been in before, because she was never allowed in there, but she heard.... someone. She couldn't hear exactly what or who, but there was only one way to find out.

She pushed open the heavy door and tiptoed down the creaky stairs. Once she was off the final step, she rounded the corner to find.... a man? A large man, in countless shackles and restraints. It seemed quite excessive for just a human. Her eyes took in his beat up appearance, his clothes ripped in some places, bloodied in others. When her eyes made it to his face, he was already staring back at her.

"You're Summer." His tired voice conveyed. She didn't recognize him one bit, but she noticed he had a New York accent.

Her eyes widened, "how do you-"

"We've been searching for you," he grunted as he tried to get in a more comfortable position. "Don't worry, this is all part of a plan. Once my parasite stops being such a petty dick, we're gonna get you out of here."

"We...." she repeated, trailing off. "You're with the Avengers." She flinched just saying the name. She looked over her shoulder to make sure someone wasn't listening, she wasn't supposed to say that word.

He nodded, wincing in pain. "Sorta, I guess. I'm new. Names Eddie Brock, nice to meet you. It's good to see you don't seem to be in my situation. If you know how to get me out of these, we'll be able to get you out of here in no time." He didn't want Venom to make his appearance yet. That was a secret Loki didn't know about.

She raised an eyebrow, confused by what he meant. "Loki wouldn't hurt me."

He frowned and eyed her wearily. "He's taken you captive. He's certainly no-"

"He loves me. He provides everything for me." She argued, and backed away from him.

He looked sad by her words as he shook his head. "Listen to me, this isn't real. He's manipulating you. We can get you help. We can get you out!" 

It was like for a moment, his words were able to punch its way through the potion flowing through her system. She fiddled with the ring fused to her finger on her for eternity. Loki.... he was the bad guy, but he loves her and she loves him. Right?

Before she could speak, she felt a dark presence behind her. Based on the look on Eddie's face, this wasn't going to be good. "Bedroom. Now." Loki's dominate voice sent shivers down her spine.

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