07 | I Love You

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I'm way ahead on editing upcoming chapters! I'm already half way through the book. I've literally worked on it for the past seven hours 😅

*If this chapter gets more comments than usual, I will post the next chapter early!! There's quite a few never seen before chapters coming if you're a rereader! I'm so excited!*

"And then suddenly she turned her emotions off."

The next night had rolled around- the date night. Loki had been in meetings all day, only seeing Summer for a couple minutes at lunch. He apologized in advance for not being able to eat dinner later with her, but told her he'd have the maid to give her the proper clothing for tonight.

It concerned her to say the least. She hoped he wasn't going to have her go outside in the risqué robe he often made her wear. Around seven, the maid strolled in and presented her with his outfit of choice.

It was.... one of his t-shirts and sweatpants.  She blinked in confusion, but thanked her, and put on the clothes. It wasn't long before he arrived, dressed in something similar. She didn't think she's ever seen him so dressed down before. Even his pajamas- most the time made of silk- were dressier than this. "Are you ready to go? It's beautiful outside."

She nodded and crawled out of bed to stand at his side. The back of his hand bumped against hers before his long fingers interlocked with hers. He lead to the front porch and opened the door.

It was almost foreign to her now, being outside. He wasn't wrong- it was beautiful out here tonight. From temperature, the cloudless sky, and the sun beginning to set, everything was perfect.

He walked her across the field and stopped when they came upon what he had set up. By the lake, he had a whole couch set up, tons of blankets and pillows, rose petals sprinkled around, candles, and a picnic basket. "I hope this is okay. I was hoping we could have dessert out here and watch the sunset." He explained, almost nervously.

"It's beautiful." She nodded, her gaze hopping from the scenery, to what he had set up, to him.

He smiled and wished she would someday return the gesture. In time.

He had an assortment of different small desserts and let her have whatever she wanted. And once again, let her feed herself. He also brought the pink tea she had yesterday, sharing the same cup with her. He carried majority of the conversation, asking her many questions, trying to get her to talk. Soon, the sun sat completely and countless stars peeked through the darkness.

"Oh, look! This is the best part." He exclaimed, reaching to the side of the couch. He pulled the little knob, making the feet of the couch swing up.

She let out a laugh in surprise and accidentally fell into his chest, not expecting the couch to be a recliner.
It was then he realized he didn't think he ever heard her laugh before. It became his mission then and there to make sure to hear that adorable sound more often.

"Have you ever gone swimming in the lake?" He questioned as his hand reached up to play with her hair.

"I used to.... when I was really young, my parents would take me-"

His hand tightened in her hair and her words died in her mouth. Not enough to hurt her- but certainly a clear warning. "I don't want to hear you speak of any family ever again. We don't live in the past, we live in the now. I am your family now. Understood?"

Frozen, she told him she understood.

"We should go swimming." He quickly changed the topic and turned to see what she thought of the idea. Because he basically told her to shut up about her parents, she didn't get to tell him that they never actually taught her how to swim.

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