02 | Breaking Point

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"You don't need freedom if I give you everything you need," is what he'd tell her. "Freedom is a burden. You should be glad I took it from you."

Summer's had no contact with the outside world for one week now. Just Loki. She was bed ridden for the first couple of days, sicker then a dog. Other than to check on her and bring her food, Loki had pretty much left her alone.

That all changed by day four, when she started feeling better. He's completely taken over her life. She's tried at every opportunity to escape, but he always caught her before she could even try. All phones were gone, windows had outside locks on them, doors were guarded by some... otherworldly beings. It seemed they all were various specifies from different planets, but they all served him.

She had access to the majority of the house, only because it was on lockdown. Despite that, she still stuck to remaining in her bedroom at the time, terrified of the alien creatures that loomed in her home.

Everything she needed- from basic necessities, to things she wanted- it all came from him. She didn't eat without Loki's permission and he picked what it would be, she couldn't go to the bathroom or bathe without his permission- and he chose the temperature of the water, everything. He controlled every aspect of her life he could think of. He was trying to manipulate her into thinking this was a good thing. He was making her go insane.

When she tried to disobey him? He'd take away her food. He'd give her less bathroom privileges. Because that's what they were to him.


He'd wash her mouth out with soap if she back talked. He'd make her shower in freezing water. He'd isolate her- lock her in a dark closet until she felt like she was going crazy. Despite this, he claimed he loved her.

When he "punished" her, he never rose his voice or got mad. Up until this point, he hadn't laid a hand on her. Only manhandled her, but never hit her. That gave part of her just the slightest bit of hope he wouldn't hurt her, at least not physically. The other part of her worried if he had a breaking point.

She's seen him get mad with others. No... raged, violent, and cruel was more like it. She heard screams every night from various parts of her home, mainly his office. It was her dad's old office, before Loki came in and decided to take over her home.

Loki made sure she saw none of it, but sometimes she saw the aftermath of it all, blood staining his hands or clothes. Unfortunately today, she saw a being being carried out, drenched in blood.

Loki eyes caught her retreating form in time, dashing past the door and into the bedroom. He wiped the blood off of him the best he could and followed her in there.

This changed everything in her mind. It created a deeper fear of the man that claimed to love her. She had gotten away with being defiant and defensive this whole time, but after seeing that person being carried out... she saw Loki in a whole different light. She knew he was evil from the start, but this terrified her even more, knowing now what he was capable of doing to her if he chose to.

He held her hair back as she threw up everything into the toilet. She sobbed and threw up for at least an hour, the horrific sight now forever engraved in her brain.

It was now about an hour later. Summer ripped her bare leg out of Loki's gentle hold, shivering from the cold, tears of embarrassment burning her eyes. All she had to cover herself with was a white fluffy towel and nothing more.

Loki sighed for the umpteenth time, disappointed in her attitude. After she witnessed that, he had brought her a nicely made dinner, and suggested he joined her in bed to eat the meal together. She refused to share a bed with him. It was bad enough when he made her sit in his lap. The results? No dinner and a cold shower.

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