09 | Bound Together Forever

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Doing an experiment. I'm taking attendance ✍🏻 Comment here with your fav Marvel movie pls!

This is a completely new chapter!!! Lemme know what y'all think!


It's been one month since they moved, and Summer still wasn't sure where she was, but she knew it was still on earth. Loki explained to her for a long while now that he's been having this new home built- even before he met her. It was very well hidden in a forest. Not only that, but he had some sort of force field around it. If someone was on the outside of it, everything on the inside was invisible. Step through it, the castle, along other smaller cottages for their people, would appear.

As far as their relationship went, Loki was very proud how far they've come. She was still fairly shy, but certainly wasn't as scared. Her attempts to escape had ceased for now.

She was still oblivious to the potion in the tea. She had moments still when she was not trusting or fearful, but the potion little by little was clouding over that little voice in her head everyday.

The little voice that was still hardly there told her that Loki was not safe and she had to play the part for survival. However, the potion told her to give in, that this was her life now. She had to make the most of it. Surely, Loki wasn't that bad. He gave her everything she wanted and more, besides her freedom. The two different voices were starting to merge into the same.

Today, Loki had taken the day off to spend time with her. He promised her a picnic in the gardens. She thanked their maid when she finished up buttoning up her dress, and turned to admire her beautiful emerald green gown, flowy and light for this summer day in the mirror.

Loki whistled lowly as he entered the room, drinking in her appearance. She turned to face him, light pink spreading across her cheeks.

"On second thought," he started, and prowled towards her until she was backed up against the wall. "How about we just stay here?"

She hummed as he planted kisses to her cheek, jaw, and then neck. It started off sweet and delicate before it turned into a hard bite.

She gasped and gawked up at him. "You bit me."

"I don't know how you don't get bitten more often," he told her, and continued the assault on her neck once again. "You're delectable."

She sighed in delight and her hands moved up to his hair. "You're trying to distract me. I would like to go outside." She panted, but internally began to question which she really wanted.

He had been more affectionate lately. Half of her felt dread overwhelm her because of it, but the stronger half let it happen. Why was she giving in? Wasn't this man evil? A murderer?

With a frown, he reluctantly agreed, but not before kissing her lips this time, his hands trailing up her ribcage. She laughed and tugged his hands before he could go up any farther. "Pleeease?"

He affectionately rolled his eyes but let her drag him out the door. "Anything for my queen."

They spent a couple hours in the garden, snacking on some fruit, and just spending time together. They were on a bench, Summer seated on his lap, where he had her most of the time anyway.

She bit into the strawberry he offered her, returning the grin he gave. Absentmindedly, she fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, deep in thought. She's been summoning up the courage to ask him something she's been wondering for a long time now. She was hoping this was her moment.

"What's on your mind, love?"

"Hmm?" She wondered, but she knew what he was asking.

"You seem distracted." He told her, gently moving a strand of hair out of her face. "Where's your pretty little mind at, hmm?"

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