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Some of my favorite reviews of my book!
(few have been modified to ensure there aren't spoilers)


"THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! Here we have a masterpiece with good plot twists. I was in shock and on the edge of my seat for most of the book. You are truly an amazing author. This was amazing!!!" -
~ @basically25


"I went through a rollercoaster of emotions and was able to defend and express my points of view and opinions that contrasted with what others thought. Your writing has so many hidden crevices and dark corners that you have to really delve into to find new meanings and understandings even if you didn't think of it and that's something like people myself lack. Loki was portrayed under different lights that could definitely strike up a healthy debate and I absolutely love that. You did such a fantastic job it gave me chills. This was spectacular."

"I get to think a bit more and pick up writing techniques along the way. I'm finding a bit more as I go along and that's what makes your writing so unique. I haven't actually seen writing like this before and if I had the money I would definitely adapt it and make it a film."
- both by @just_a_muscial_weeb


"OK BABES, so I laughed, I cried, I got mad, I got sad, I was glad, had hope and some trust issues through out the book. I may or may not have broken my phone screen because I threw it across the room at every plot twist. I loved this story and it definitely was different from what I'm used to which is a good thing <3."
- @rose_jasmine_blossom


"I just want to say that you are an amazing writer! I've been reading 'In the Dark' for so long and I've never stopped loving it, this is honestly one of the best books I've EVER read, fanfic or not! I hope you continue to write other books because all of yours are pure amazing!"
- BooksRule4ever0


To everyone who has read and supported this book, I wanted to say thank you so much! It means the world to me, truly. If you've read this book before and would like to leave your own review, I'd love to read it if you comment it here!

Love y'all!

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