03 | Hide and Seek

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Ally, was concerned for Summer. She hadn't returned any of her calls, texts, posted on social media, nothing. She wasn't even sure if Summer was still coming on vacation with her!

Nevertheless, Ally figured she'd find out what's been going on tonight. She arrived at 9:00 on the dot, just like she said she would.

A grin stretched across Loki's lips at the sound of a knock at the front door. "Could that be them?"

Summer looked at him in horror. "No, please, I'll-"

He took her by the wrist and dragged her upwards. "Let's not keep our guests waiting."

She dug her heels into the ground, fighting him on every step. She screamed as loud as she could for Ally to run, but unbeknownst to her, the house was sound proof.

Loki only released Summer to open the door, inviting her friend inside. "You must be Summer's friend. Come in, come in!" He exclaimed and warmly greeted her.

Summer didn't even get the chance to scream at her not to. As soon as Ally stepped over the threshold, she was slammed against the wall, a knife against her neck.

"No, please!" Summer screamed and lunged towards him, but it only made him press the knife harder against Ally's throat, drawing the smallest amount of blood. She took a step back, taking the hint. "Please, just... let her go. Let her go, please." She pleaded with a sob.

He craned his neck to stare at his love, while her friend struggled to breathe. "Shall we play a game?"

Summer shook her head, "no games. Just let her go and I'll do what you say."

"No, I think I want a game." He said more adamantly and eyed her carefully. "A simple game of hide and seek, what do you say?" He asked with a grin and dropped Ally to the ground in a fit of coughs.

"Loki, please."

He ignored her. "Your friend can go run and hide somewhere in the house. If you find her first, I'll set her free. If I find her first... You can clean whatever's left."

Summer gulped and stared at Ally in worry.


Ally got up and ran as Loki began to count.

"Nine, eight, seven..."

Summer stood at his side. They both stood facing the wall and she strained to listen to any clues her friends might give her.

"Six, five, four...."

The creaking of the floorboards stopped- she must have found a hiding spot.

"Three, two, one...."

Summer bolted up the stairs and prayed she'd find her friend. She searched every room possible but didn't even notice Loki never bothered to search along with her. Finally, she heard a terrified whisper from under the bed, "Summer."

She cried in relief as she helped her out from under the bed and hugged her tightly. She won. Loki would set her free..... right?

He sauntered into the room and slowly clapped, "bravo, darling. I'm impressed, I must say."

"You promised you'd let her go now." Summer reminded him and stood in front of her friend, protectively, as he drew near.

"Did I?"

"Please, you did." She cried as a tear fell from her eye. "I'll stay if you let her go. No more games or fighting. Just let her go."

"You'd stay to spare her...." he realized, his gaze fixed on her. "No more games, no more fighting." He repeated and she nodded.

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