04 | Unkind

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Much to Summer's surprise, once Loki set her down, he left to the master bathroom, not saying a single word. Seconds later, he came back out with a first aid kit and a wet washcloth. He sat on the bed by her trembling legs and placed the items he brought beside him. He reached in the kit and pulled out bandaids, gauze, and tweezers. 
She honestly forgot she had cuts on her legs, teetering between shock and exhaustion. With gentle hands, he grabbed hold of her ankle, making her jump and recoil at his touch.

In that moment she remembered about the "punishment." Could this be it? Would he stab the tweezers into her leg? Would he make this as painful as possible?

"Please don't." She rasped so quietly, she barely heard the plea herself.

He slowed his movements and frowned, then straightened her leg and placed it in his lap. She just sat there, shaking like a leaf, and watched him with wide eyes. She winced when he took the warm washcloth to lightly wipe away the blood. It didn't hurt too bad, but she knew the next part would.

After a few minutes, satisfied with his work, he picked up the tweezers. Pieces of twigs dug into some of her cuts. Thankfully, not too many, but the few she had were quite big. She grabbed the pillow beside her to hug it to her chest and hide her face in it. She was queasy when it came to these things.

Loki's sunk at the sight. He didn't want to hurt her, but he knew it was for the best and it would help her in the end.... just like everything else he's done for her.

He counted three twigs and decided to start with the smallest one to see how she'd react. One hand, he placed on her knee to keep her still, and with the other he got to work. As gentle as he could, he took hold of the twig and tugged on it. He heard her let out a cry, but he kept going.

Yes, it hurt, but the emotional trauma on top of the physical pain made it all a lot worse. The blood. It matched the same blood as Ally's when he slit her throat. So much blood.

One after the other, he managed to get them all out. He apologized to her every time she winced and placed a kiss to her leg with each twig he removed. The last one was the worst, and it was all just so overwhelming to her, she couldn't help but cry. Finally, he removed it and hurriedly gathered her into his arms, wishing he could just take the pain away from her, unaware she was mainly crying because of him.

"Hush, darling. It's all over now. I'm so sorry, please don't do this again." He pleaded as if it were her fault.

She shoved him away and scooted backwards to get away from him. Her stomach twisted into painful knots, bile rose in her throat.

He reached out to touch her, frowning when she flinched away. "Every time I touch you, there's a moment where you look like it will hurt." He whispered, his eyebrows furrowed. "Don't look at me like that.... like you're afraid of me."

Her bloodshot eyes met his, her jaw tightly clenched. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He looked taken back at her bold words, confused and hurt by them. "After everything I've done for you? To prove my love for you?"

"After everything you've done for me?" She repeated with a sneer. "You killed my friend! The only person that's been there for me! And my dog! And I'm sure other innocent people! A-And now my animals are probably dead because you haven't let me out! You kidnapped me, invaded my home, kiss me-"

"I DID IT FOR YOU!" He roared, and immediately her hands covered her face to protect herself. "Has that not proved my love for you!? That I'd kill for you- to protect and provide for you! All you need in this world is me! And you dare call my affection for you assault!?"

Toxic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora