1.8K 64 49

To those who stuck around to the very end, thank you so so much!!

I've said it so many times, but I'm genuinely surprised how many people enjoyed this book! It definitely shows Loki in a different light (or maybe rather a darkness) and I didn't think people would want to read about Loki being a... villain villain lol.

I was shocked by all the love and support on this book. It was definitely one of my favorites to write and it's so refreshing when people get just as excited to read it as I was to write it.

I think I wanna use this opportunity to tell y'all a little of my story and how this app has helped me.

When I was in my early teens, I was severely depressed. I struggled mentally, emotionally, physically, and it was very difficult for me to be sociable. I had severe anxiety.

So to give myself an escape from reality, I constantly daydreamed about everything and anything. What I enjoyed doing the most was thinking about movie plots, mainly Marvel (obviously). I thought about changing the plot, adding to the plot, branching mini movies off a character's story line, coming up with more little stories in my head about the characters we didn't know enough about, etc.... Then, I discovered a place where people do the same thing as me and write about it!

Now, it actually took me quite a long time to actually convince myself to publish what I wrote, but I finally gained the guts to publish a book. I was severely anxious about it and thought no one would read a 14/15 year old's book. I had never wrote anything in my life, people would surely be rude and comment on my improper grammar, plot holes, etc.... right? People won't read this.

That was nearly 10 years ago and y'all, that book, "His Return," had over 1,000,000 reads! It's since been taken down as I no longer really write fanfiction.

And in my SEVERAL years of being on this app, I've only gotten like 3 hate comments? I don't know if it's been the same for everyone else, but for me, the people on this app have been nothing but encouraging, supportive, and kind. They've gotten me through some of the darkest times of my life, sometimes even just by someone commenting, "I liked this chapter!" Everyone even put up with me constantly taking down and re-editing this book multiple times lol! (Let's be real, it constantly needs to be edited bc the more you write, the better you get!)

In saying all of this, I really feel God lead me to this app when I really needed it. It was my little escape from reality and gave me a community around me that was nothing but uplifting and supportive.

Gosh, nearly 140,000 reads, huh? I still don't know what I did to deserve this support for so many years, but it means the world. Not even just in this book, y'all find my other books and support me on those too!? Like what?? How?? The support is overwhelming- in the best way possible.

Y'all don't know how God uses your comments to get me through some of the darkest times of my life. I sorta grew up on this app, and it's crazy to think how it all started.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. For real I can't thank everyone enough.

So, I'll leave y'all with some words of encouragement...

1. Don't give up. You wanna do something? Give it your all.

2. Practice. You're not going to get things perfect right off the bat. And guess what? THATS OKAY! Trust me, I was not good when I started my first book ("His Return"). But then you look back in a few months/years time and see how far you've come.... and if you're like me, edit the crap out of it 😂

3. in the words of Chris Pratt, "God is real, God loves you, and He wants the best for you. Believe that, I do."

Alrighty, that's it for now. I'm still around and read all of your comments. And yes, I'm still going to constantly go through this book and edit the crap out of it lol!

Would y'all mind leaving a review for this book? I have a chapter for it or you can leave it here.

Once again, thank you for everything. Hopefully I'll see y'all in another one of my books??

Love y'all

P.S. what was your favorite part of this book?

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