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I can't believe this book is almost done :,) thank you everyone for your love and support!

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Bucky's groans of pain seemed to echo throughout his cell as he applied more pressure to his wound. They supplied him his own first aid kit to fix himself. His hands trembled as he stitched the wound closed, feeling faint. His head fell back as he took a moment to collect himself and finished off the final suture.

He chucked the kit across the cell with the little strength he had left and spat, "Don't worry, guys. I sewed myself shut."

The guardians heard of the news and quickly made their way through the galaxy to help find Loki, putting Quill on guard of 'Bucky.'

Quill winced from the other side of the cell. "I would say sorry, but if you're Loki, I've kind of heard you're a piece of shit... so I'm not sorry."

Bucky laid flat on the cold cell floor, laughing to himself. "Understandable, I guess." He sighed. "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

... that certainly sounded like Bucky.

••• In a different cell in a different room •••

"Kill him!" 'Summer' pleaded from within her cell. "Please, you have to believe me before it's too late!"

Peter's heart lurched in his chest, wanting nothing more than to believe her. Summer was either telling the truth, and Loki was bleeding out disguised as Bucky, or Summer was Loki, and it was Bucky who was bleeding out.

He uneasily shuffled his feet and quietly mumbled an apology. "I can't take that chance."

She laughed in disbelief. "Peter, it will take more than a stab wound to kill Loki! He will escape and kill us all!"

He approached the glass separating them, his eyes trailing over her, searching for any clues that could tell him if this was or wasn't Summer. Anything at all.

He found none.

She approached the glass as well and pressed her clammy hands against it. "Peter, you thanked me for saving your life years ago." She whispered, her red and blotchy eyes staring desperately into his. "Now I'm asking you to please save mine and let me go."

He sighed and hung his head. "Summer, I-"

He was cut off by a near by explosion shaking the whole building.

Summer's eyes widened and her stomach dropped. Anxious, she banged on the glass. "Peter, please don't leave me in here." She begged, tears falling freely down her cheeks. "Please, it's me! I swear it!"

He was torn. Her pleas sounded so real. So desperate. Like it was truly Summer. He couldn't let her die. Not when she's come this far.

He let her out. She burst out the door and dropped to her knees in a heap. She sobbed loudly at his feet, thanking him profusely.

He placed a comforting hand on her back and told her, "c'mon. We gotta get out of here."

She sobs progressed until they no longer sounded like cries. No, those weren't cries at all... she was laughing.

Slowly, she lifted her head, her eyes flashing blue. Her lips twisted into a cruel smile until Peter realized the grin didn't belong to her, but Loki. "Summer's not here to save you now."


Loki didn't care to wipe the blood off his hands. It was something Summer should be used to by now. He smiled to himself as he strolled towards the closet, the muffled cries and curses of his victim coming from within. "You ready to come out, love?"

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