◔ VII ◔

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Yoongi's sickness was becoming more and more frequent to the point he was losing his appetite completely.

Every morning, Taehyung found his friend croutched over the toilet or a bucket pouring his guts out.

'Maybe I've just got food poisoning, it takes a week or two to clear it fully' Yoongi says,not just to comfort Taehyung but himself as well. He's worried out of his goddamn mind. He doesn't know why his body is reacting like this, he'd never felt anything like it before. He continues to put up with it anyway. Through the hard mornings, loss of appetite, Yoongi shows no recovery or changes. After a month of the same situation everyday Taehyung knew he had to do something. This wasn't right.

Jungkook and RM are in the games room bickering over what game to play on the play station.

'Not fair, you chose last time!'
'I'm older AND the leader which means I can choose when I like, young man'
'Wha- That's not fair at all!'
'OI!' Taehyung snaps his fingers walking in, causing both to stop their argument and look up. A writhered Yoongi trails behind, coat on, hood up.
'I'm taking Yoongi to the doctors, we could be there a while,you know the queues these days,anyways, I've left dinner in the fridge, just heat it up if we're not back in time okay?' Taehyung swipes his car keys off the coffee table and starts the process of putting his shoes on. Jungkook is confused as to why Yoongi would need to see the doctors. He hasn't seen much of him recently and didn't even know about his health problem. He walks over to his boyfriend and puts his hands on his shoulders.
'What's wrong baby?' He whispers looking down into his eyes.
'J-just a bit sick' Yoongi replies shying away from the taller. He pulls away and goes to stand with Taehyung who is now ready to leave. Jungkook, unsatisfied with his boyfriend's distant behaviour stands and folds his arms watching them leave.
'What was that all about?' He asks RM.
'I thought you'd know, I mean.. He's your boyfriend is he not' RM huffs and stands up, dusting himself off before leaving Jungkook alone to think.

Later on:

It is now late evening, around 8:00 and the front door is opened. Jungkook runs to the door, ready to greet Yoongi feeling bad after hearing RM's words before but to his Disapointment and surprise, it is only Taehyung... By himself.
'Wha- where's my Yoongi?'
'Come, I need to tell the others too'
They go into the living room where everyone else is.
'Now tell me, where is Yoongi?' Jungkook gets impatient.
'He got very tired, plus the doctors say they need to run a lot of tests on him so they've kept him overnight.'
'They need to do a lot of tests? Is he okay? Why didn't anyone tell me he wasn't feeling alright?'
Taehyung shoots a glare at Jungkook. Sometimes he could really get on his nerves.
'Firstly, yes they need to do a lot of tests, you heard me. Secondly, he's doing fine in spirits, we don't know about his health... You know... That's why we went to the DOCTORS and finally, why didn't anyone tell you? Does somebody have to tell you that your boyfriend is ill? Shouldn't YOU know that? Honestly, call yourself a boyfriend. I'm going to bed, I want to go see him again first thing in the morning because I'm a responsible friend. Thank you and goodnight' Taehyung swings his jacket over the bannister and storms upstairs.

Jungkook is left in shock and regret. Taehyung was right, why should somebody else have to inform him on basic things such as Yoongi's health in general? When Yoongi comes back, he wants to make it up to him. Show him he cares.

648 words✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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