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Ourania place her hands on the counter-top while staring at her reflection on the mirror. She feels somewhat nervous, about what? She doesn't know. Is she nervous about going back to the operating room after six years of being away from it? Yesterday, she only did check-ups suggested by Charles to not overwhelm her right on the first day. It takes time for surgeons to get familiar or get used to new nurses and just thinking about starting form the beginning again sure is scary since all the nurses she worked with her in the past are now on different departments. 

Alessandro walk in and stood behind her and kiss her shoulder. "That's a heavy sigh, are you okay?"

She nodded, looking at him through the mirror. "Just nervous about going back to the ER."

"Don't be, you'll do just fine. You're saving people's lives Ourania, you can't afford to get nervous and get distracted." He said and hug her from behind.

"You're right." She agreed and smile, looking down at his hand that's going under her sleep short. "What are you doing good sir?" She ask, but didn't move to stop whatever he's doing.

"I'll make you forget about that nervousness you're feeling tesoro." Ourania lean back her head on his chest and close her eyes, moaning at the sensation he's making her feel while rubbing her mound. "Let's shower together." He whisper and pull her under the shower, helping each other take off their clothes.

"Feeling better?" Alessandro ask Ourania when they arrive in front of the hospital.

"Yep, thank you." She lean forward and kiss his cheek. "I'll see you at home later."

"Before you go, I have something for you." He opened the car compartment in front of Ourania and pull out a black box and hands it to her. Ourania smiled and opened the box enthusiastically to reveal a brand new stethoscope with her name on it.

"I love it! Thank you Alessandro." She hug him and peck his lips a couple of times, making him laugh. 

"You're welcome amore mio." He kiss her hand. "Now please listen to my heart. I want my heart to be the first one you'll listen to using your new stethoscope Dr. Ourania Bianchi." He said on a serious tone. Ourania laugh wholeheartedly at his request and to think a lot of people fear this man for his ruthlessness, but Ourania really can't see it. She put on hear stethoscope before listening to his heart beating calmly. "You hear that Ourania? It loves you, I love you." Alessandro sincerely said, looking at his wife who's looking back at him with teary eyes.

"I love you too Alessandro." She wiped her tears away before they both lean in for a slow and passionate kiss. "Okay, I need to go." She chuckle and pull away, looking at his husband lovingly for a couple of minutes before finally stepping out of the vehicle. Alessandro made sure Ourania went inside the building before he drove off towards his company.


"Good job everyone." Ourania praised her assistants before stepping out of the ER to talk to the family of the patient. "Mr. Carlos Guevara's family?" She called out and the family that was sitting closest to her stood up.

"Is our son okay doc?" The elderly woman ask looking exhausted, refusing to sleep while her son is being operated for six hours. "Please tell me he's okay."

"Your son is out of danger now." She said and everyone sigh in relief. "The operation was a success and Mr. Guevara will be transferred back to his room in a minute and all that we have to do now is wait for him to wake up." She explained.

"Thank you, thank you so much." The mother cried and held her hand. Ourania gently squeezed her hands before excusing herself, she went inside her office and stumble a bit before sitting down.

"Are you okay?" Charles who just walked in, ask.

"I'm feeling dizzy is all." She replied and close her eyes, feeling the room spin.

"You're looking really pale Ania, we need someone to check on you." Charles went to her desk and grab the phone.

"No, I'm okay." She said, stopping him from dialing someone. "I just need to rest."

"Why don't you just go home? You're done for the day, boss's orders." Charles said in an authoritative voice.

"I can't, I have patients I need to check up on." Ourania argued, the room still spinning in her view.

"I insist Ania, I'll take over from here." He said and pick up her bag. "Alessandro might really kill me this time if I let you get on with your work when you're unwell." He shivered at the thought. Ourania just nodded, not having enough energy to say anything as Charles help her up and take her to her car, explaining everything to Martino.

Ourania had her eyes close all throughout the drive home, she told Martino not to say anything to Alessandro before walking inside the house.

 "Are you alright Mrs. Bianchi? You look rather pale." Mrs. Callisto ushered towards her, helping her climb up the stairs.

"I'm okay Mrs. Callisto, I just need to sleep this off." She smile at their housekeeper while opening the door. "Please don't report anything to Alessandro, I don't want him to worry about me. Thank you Mrs. Callisto." Ourania softly close the door and collapsed on top of their bed, sleep consuming her completely. The older woman sigh in worry before going back downstairs, continuing her chores. 

Ourania groaned in her sleep at the constant buzzing of her phone. She slowly open her eyes, feeling so much better than earlier, she got up and pull out her phone inside her bag and saw several missed calls from Thalassa which surprised her. 

Her phone buzz again and Thalassa's name appeared on the caller ID. With a furrowed brow, she answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Ourania Bianchi?" A man on the other line ask. Ourania double check who's calling before placing the phone back against her ear.

"Yes, who is this? Why do you have my sister's phone?" She ask in worry.

"I work at the CIP Hotel and Miss Ariti is has been drinking for a while now and she's really drunk. She insisted we call you." The man explained.

"I'll be right there." Ourania replied and ended the call. She quickly brush her teeth and fix her hair before going to the hotel. "I won't be long Martino." She said and went inside, a young man approach her with a smile.

"Ourania Bianchi?" She nodded. "Hi, we spoke on the phone."

"Where is she?" 

"We put her back to her room Miss. Let me take you there." He lead Ourania to the elevator and pressed the 2nd floor. They walk towards the room at the end of the corridor and open the door using his master card key. Ourania's warning bells have been blaring non-stop, but she ignored them and step inside the closed curtain room.

The door closed behind her and she felt someone hit her before losing consciousness.


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