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It's been a week since Ourania came back and she hadn't left the Manor since then, not because she wasn't allowed to, but because she doesn't want to. She still don't know when she's leaving again and so, she wants to be in the Manor for as long as she can.

Alessandro, surprisingly honoured their deal and kept his distance from her and it frustrates Ourania for some unknown reason, she made her bed and she needs to lay in it. With a sigh, she step out of the room and went downstairs, following the sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. "Mrs. White, something smells delicious." Ourania said even before entering the kitchen and then bump into Alessandro when she turned around the corner. She stumble back slightly before feeling his arm wrap around her waist to stop her from bumping into the small table behind her, she automatically grab onto his shirt, inhaling his scent. 

He squeeze her waist gently and kiss the corner of her eye before letting her go. "Sorry about that cara mia." He said and went upstairs, leaving her wanting more contact. Ourania slap both her cheeks to wake herself up from daze and hurriedly took a sit on one of the kitchen stools, Mrs. White watching her with a teasing smile making her blush even more. She place the food in front of Ourania and handed her cutlery before she prepared a freshly squeeze orange juice.

"Ourania?" Alessandro called, now fully suited. She turn around and hum, still chewing the food she just put on her mouth. "There's a party tonight at the company and it starts at seven, I'm wondering if you want to attend?" Ourania swallowed and drink some water before looking back at him. 

"I'll think about it." Was her reply and Alessandro nodded.

"Okay, let me know what you decide. I'll be going then, see you later agapi mou." He said and left. Ourania turn back around and continue eating her breakfast while thinking whether she should attend the party or not.

"You should go." She heard Mrs. White said.

"If I go, then people would think that we're back together when we're not." Ourania stress, finishing her last bacon.

"Why are you here then?" The older lady ask, stopping whatever she's doing and look at the mistress, who look at her with confusion. "If you actually don't want to get back together with him, what are you doing here Ourania?" It's the first time Mrs. White called her by her first name and it really surprised her, but not more than the question.

'She's right. What are you doing back here if not with the thought of maybe getting back with Alessandro, Ourania? Because, admit it, you really never did stop loving the man.' Her subconscious said.

"The man waited for you for six years dear, you shouldn't give him false hope if you would just leave him again. I don't know what happened between you two, but is it worth holding onto that grudge? Just think about it." Mrs. White said before leaving Ourania alone in the kitchen. Mrs. White together with Mrs. Callisto and Cindy witnessed how happy Alessandro have become ever since Ourania came, and they also witnessed how he went back to his old self, even far worse when the mistress left six years ago. Now that there's a chance for them again, they definitely want the two to be happy and back together.

They don't know the reason why Ourania left, but they hope it wasn't that big of a deal to fully separate the two for real this time.


Ourania walk back and forth inside her room, it's already twenty minutes past seven and she keeps on changing her mind about wanting to go and not wanting to go. Alessandro called her an hour ago and she told him she's still unsure, looking back at the wall clock, Ourania went inside her closet and pick out a grey dress (A/N: Picture of the dress above, bag not included because it's a no for me LOL.) and quickly put it on. She fix her hair in a pony tail and put on make up before picking out a silver stiletto to wear, she pick up her phone and check herself one last time on the mirror before basically running downstairs. 

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