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~All through your life, you'll be faced with making a decision between two things- choose the one that is right. If they are both right, then choose the one that will make you feel the best about it at the end of the day,~ Anonymous

Ourania sigh as she keeps reading the quote, rolling around the carpeted floor of her father's study in frustration. It's been two days since she went back to their family manor and she's doing everything she can to distract herself from overthinking about a certain man who she choose to leave because she can't move on from a small problem that happened six years ago.

"How long are you going to lay there?" Ourania look up to her mother, gesturing her towards the sofa and took a sit first. She got up lazily and sit beside her mother. "What's going on Ourania?"

"I told Alessandro I don't want to get back together." She admitted, thinking she might as well talk to her mother sooner than later.

"Why? Is it still about what your sister did six years ago?" Levanda ask. When she learned what Thalassa did made her boil in anger and slap her without second thoughts, telling Thalassa that she was a disgraced and that she didn't brought her up to be a homewrecker and to think she did that to her own sister's husband was beyond infuriating, but what made her even more mad is that Thalassa wasn't even sorry for what she did.

"I can't seem to get pass through it mama, it always keep coming back in my head." She said in frustration.

"So you choose to leave Alessandro than actually try and forget it?" Levanda said in disappointment. "Do you love him?"

"I do, I never stopped loving him." Ourania said.

"But obviously you don't love him enough." Levanda shrug, Ourania giving her a questioning look. "Because if you really do then you wouldn't be here moping around and instead be with Alessandro. You claim to love him so much yet you hold onto what happened six years ago and let it ruin your marriage. That's a cowardly move Ourania."

"I'm scared." She admitted.

"It's natural to feel scared agapite mou." Levanda caress her daughter's hair. "And it's up to you if you let that fear stop you from being happy. If you stop yourself from being with Alessandro, will that really make you happy?" Levanda smiled when she saw the realization in her daughter's eyes.

"I need to go mama." Ourania ran towards the door but came back and hug her mother. "Efcharisto poly." Levanda just laugh as she looks at her daughter ran out of the library and for the first time, not scolding her for running. Ourania hurriedly change into her skinny jeans, a bell sleeve crop top and put on a lipstick before running back down and to her car.

She stopped the car in front of Alessandro's company and ran inside, ignoring everyone and went in the elevator towards the 25th floor. She lean on the railings, breathless from running non-stop, the other's who are also in the elevator with her watch her with concern, so she just smiled at them. She tapped her shoes impatiently as the elevator literally stopped on every floor, really testing her patience.

"Twenty five! Finally!" She exclaim and even press the open button, to make the door open faster. She step in the floor and saw Alessandro looking at some files while talking to an employee. He glance up at her and stare at her in surprise, Ourania didn't waste time and sprint towards her man and jump on his arms, hugging him tightly. 

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Alessandro put her down and look at her, still confused. "What's going on Ourania?" He ask.

"I love you Alessandro and all I wanted is to be with you, I hope I'm not too late." She said and cup his face before kissing him. 

Alessandro broke off the kiss and lift her off the floor before looking at his employees. "I want everyone off this floor. Now." He ordered and all the employees, including his secretary ran towards the elevator and some of them even used the emergency exit to leave. Alessandro carried Ourania inside his office and place her on top of his desk.

"I'm sorry." Ourania stated. "I'm sorry that I ran away six years ago instead of talking to you, I'm sorry that I was being stubborn and keep on holding onto the past and I'm sorry for hurting you." Ourania's tears started falling and Alessandro immediately wipe them away.

"Oh piccola, it's okay. I understand and I'm sorry too, I'm sorry that I let my guard down around your sister and I should've followed you to Iceland right away, then we wouldn't have wasted six years of our lives away from each other." Alessandro said, tucking Ourania's hair behind her ears.

"I love you Mr. Alessandro Bianchi." Ourania smiled, caressing Alessandro's chest.

"And I love you Mrs. Ourania Bianchi." He leaned forward and capture her lips, her hands wrap around his shoulder. They move their lips in sync, pouring out their emotions ans they kiss harder and deeper. Alessandro move his lips down Ourania's neck, biting, licking and sucking on her skin before moving back to her lips. He roamed his hands all over her body and grab one of her breasts, he stop kissing her and look down. "You're not wearing a bra." He stated and squeeze her breast harder making Ourania gasp.

"I-I was in a hurry." She said in embarrassment and cover her reddening face with her hands, before looking back at him. Alessandro smiled and raise her top and cup her bare breast before leaning down and put one on his mouth all the while maintaining eye contact with Ourania. She bit her lip and moan at the sensation of his tongue playing with her nipple. Ourania grab his head and pull him up to kiss him again, Alessandro delve his tongue inside her mouth and she immediately suck on his tongue.

"I'm about to lose control." Alessandro whisper after they pull away and press his lips on her head, trying to control his breathing.

"We should stop." Ourania giggle. "Right then, I'm going home and you sir need to get back to work." She said and fix his tie before fixing her top.

"By home, you mean ours right?" He ask hesitantly, Ourania nodded with a wide smile. "I'll go down with you." He help her get off the table and went to the elevator, he pressed the ground floor and swipe his card so that the elevator won't stop at any floor. He lean on the railing and pull Ourania to his chest before kissing her again.

Ourania immediately removed her lips from his when the elevator door opened, but Alessandro continued his assault on her neck instead, she blush as employees move away. "Alessandro, we're here." She moaned, but tilted her head, giving him more access. They stop after some time and hid her face on Alessandro's back as they exit the building. The 'Ourania' six years ago wouldn't be doing something like that on public, but the 'Ourania' now doesn't mind that much anymore.

"I'll see you later." Alessandro said and kiss her one last time before letting her get in the car.

Ourania drove home happily, she cant wait for Alessandro to get home tonight.


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