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The true story of the Snowpiercer may never be told, and if it is, I doubt it'll be honestly explained. The suffering we, the tail section passengers, went through was inhumane, unthinkable, and unforgivable. I can almost certainly assure you that, if our story does somehow survive, it'll only be remembered as Wilford's downfall and not Curtis's greatness. The man I loved not only won our freedom, but also my heart. Curtis Everett will forever live on in Yona and Timmy's memory, he is the man who saved the poor from greed-fueled titans. After the horrors we faced over the last 18 years, our journey upon Snowpiercer taught us many things, and even if only one of them can be remembered, I'd like to think that it's the story of how love can be found and nourished in any environment, even during the darkest times.  Curtis and I were lovers enhanced by survival, and there wasn't a moment by his side that I would have changed.

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