Chapter 1

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*beep, beep, beep,*

I groaned as I threw myself around my bed, clutching my comforter tightly, trying to fall asleep again.

*knock, knock, knock,*

"Y/N!" My mom screamed, making me jump.

"Y-yeah?" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"It's time for school!"

"Yeah, yeah." I said, falling lightly to my bed.

"Ugh, how I hate school."

I laid down on my bed for a good 3 minutes or so before standing and sleepily walked over to my bathroom.

*  *  *

I walked down the stairs in my school uniform, my dad and mom rushing around the house in suits. I saw a pile of bags beside the door and I sighed sadly.

"You guys are going on another business trip?"

"Sorry bud, but they need us." My dad said, combing his hair.

"Of course they need you." I grumbled and sat down by the table, where a nice, warm bowl of soup was waiting for me.

"John, hurry up!" My mom scowled at my dad, fixing her hair as she walked towards the front door.

"All right, calm down, Sam." My dad said, rushing over to her.

I cassually sipped my soup as I watched them hurriedly move the bags outside the house.

"We'll be off kiddo!" My dad joked, moving the last bag outside.

"Are you sure you'll be ok all alone?" My mom asked me worriedly, peeking her head from the door.

"Yes, I'll be fine, mom." I smiled sweetly and she gave one back.

"See you in a couple of months!"

They closed the door and my smiled dropped. It's been an ordinary thing for my parent's to leave me all alone in our house for months. I was currently in highschool, and they started frequently going on business trips around when I was finishing elementary school.

I got used to it, though the first few times was just me being afraid of the house. The eerie feeling of silence was really creepy, especially in a big house.

But I learned how to cook, do house chores, and do my own needs. Of course, this was overwhelmingly stressful for a child. One time when I was practicing how to cook, I almost burned the whole house down.

My parent's never left me with babysitters, because they were too afraid that I might get kidnapped by one, and our relatives are far, far away from us. Only time I get to see them is on anniversaries, but most of the time, those parties were pretty scarce.

But I would be lying if I didn't enjoy the privacy. Peace, quiet, no people telling me what to do, when I had to do it, and why I had to do it,  it was just me.

I put the bowl in the sink and drank some water before heading out for school.

My neighborhood was normal. No super rich people, no celebrities, no youtubers. Just normal people going on their daily lives.

"Morning, Y/N!"

"Morning, Mr. Davies!" I greeted the old man, who was watering his plants.

"Hey, Y/N! I saw your parents' car leaving. Are they going on another business trip of theirs?"

"Yes they are, Ms. Ferrance." I said.

"I almost feel bad for you."

My friend, Olivia, joked as she put her arm around my neck.

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