Heartbroken Romance

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Since it's taking me so long to make the next chapter, I decided to give you guys a little comedy story! To keep you occupied for the time being. Enjoy!

"It's a nice view." Blake mumbled, staring off into the distance, staring at the city lights below, ignoring the noise of everyone inside. She leaned on the balcony, feeling the wind hit her face.

"You got that right." Y/N said. Blake looked at him, to be greeted by his face looking out into the distance, with the same dull look he's always had. She got used to it. They all have. Seeing Y/N have any other expression was like a gift from Oum himself.

That didn't stop her from falling in love with him though. She knew what he was really like. As much as he puts up that cold and emotionless persona, he's actually a really kind and caring person.

There was a reason she pulled him up to this balcony and made sure to keep the doors locked behind them. She get her palm get sweaty as she gripped the balcony ledge, her heart thumping against her chest. This was the moment she had been waiting for.

"Y-Y/N... can I ask you something?" Blake nervously asked, looking away from him.

"Anything." Y/N said nonchalantly, not caring to notice the change in her tone.

"H-have you ever... you know, have a girlfriend?"

Y/N looked at her, a confused look. "That's a bit strange to ask. Especially since it's coming from you."

"W-well, you know... making conversation!" Blake chuckled nervously, gulping. "So, have you?"

"No." Y/N blatantly answered. "Why do you ask?"

Blake felt her throat tighten up, as if it was trying to stop her from saying anything. Finally, she mustered up the courage to finally say it.

She placed her hand on top of his, which was resting on the balcony ledge. "Would you want to try with me?" Blake looked up into his eyes, which were filled with shock.


"I- I know it's a bit sudden but... I just couldn't help myself—"

"Blake..." This was it.

"I—" Say the words.

"I don't—" She felt his hand slip away from under hers.

"I don't like you."

"It's so cold." Weiss complained angrily, hugging herself in an attempt to keep warm.

"Don't be so angry." Y/N told her, "After all, you are the Ice Queen."

"I AM NOT!" Weiss howled at him, glaring at the boy. "STOP CALLING ME THAT!"

"Fine, whatever you say, your majesty." Y/N said, making Weiss even more irritated.

They were in the park for their weekly walk. It had now become a part of their schedule to go to the park at least once a week. Either with the group or just the two of them. Weiss preferred for them to just be alone for... reasons.

"It was your idea to go the park." Y/N reminded her as they walked. "We could have stayed home, had some hot cocoa, maybe some blankets..."

Weiss ignored him. She knew what he was doing. He was trying to manipulate her into going back home. She knew what he was like by now. The way he thinks, the way he does things, she knows everything.

She knows that behind that dull facade of his is a mind that's always running, like hers. She knows how he really is. Annoying, heartless, boring, cold... and maybe just a touch of kindness.

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