Chapter 23

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Blake shuffled around in her seat uncomfortably, feeling everyone's gaze on her. They were now in the living room, choosing to not talk in the kitchen. Weiss sat in the couch across from her while Ruby and Yang sat on the couch. Y/N, meanwhile, chose to lean on the wall beside the doorway.

"So, why did you want to talk?" Weiss asked her, looking impatient.

"Y-you know why." Blake said, stammering with her words.

"Do I? Why don't you tell me, just to make sure we're thinking of the same thing." Weiss told her coldly.


"Shh," Weiss quickly cut Ruby off, "she wanted to talk. So let her talk."

Everyone once again looked at Blake, who's as sweating profusely. Yang was looking at her expectingly, Ruby had a look of worry, Weiss, of course, had the coldest look on her face any of them had seen. It sent shivers down all of her teammates spines whenever they looked at her. Y/N, meanwhile, had a blank stare, which only intimidated Blake even more.

"I-I wanted to t-talk about... l-last night." Blake stuttered, her voice just above a whisper.

"Oh? You wanted to talk about last night?" Weiss put on an fake smile on her face. "Why didn't you just say so! Well, go on! Please, why do you want to talk about last night?"

Ruby was a little scared at Weiss. She was giving off an ominous aura, along with her fake smile. She had never seen her so angry before. Yang, meanwhile, was trying to resolve her inner conflict on whether to forgive Blake or not.

Speaking of Blake, she was slowly regretting her decision to talk to them already. "I-I wanted to say sorry for—"

"Sorry? You wanted to say sorry?" Weiss' smile faltered as she gritted her teeth. She tried her best to hold herself back, to not let her anger get the best of her, but after what Blake said, she couldn't do it anymore. "Sorry for what? The fact that you attacked us? How you hurt us! Tied us up and forced us to almost watch you— almost watched Y/N—you know the word, don't you?"

Weiss glared at Blake. It was so sharp that Blake almost felt like she could cut her.

"I- I—" Blake was at lost for words. She had been planning all night as to what to say to say to them, albeit she was also feeling overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow which clouded her mind when she tried to think of things to say.

Blake took a deep breath and calmed herself, "I- I know that what I did was wrong," Weiss scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I understand why you're angry with me, and you all have the right to be."

"Of course we have the right to be!" Weiss barked at her angrily.

Ruby flinched, shocked at how loud Weiss was. She had never heard her yell like that before... or look like this angry before...

Blake shifted her eyes downward, too scared to look at all of them in the eye. "I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. I didn't mean any of it. I tried to fight it, I tried my best. But I was too— I'm sorry I hurt all of you."

"Hurt? You traumatized Olivia!" Weiss angrily shouted at her. Blake felt her heart sting at the reminder. She never talked much to Olivia, but she liked her. Her kindness, and her approachable aura. And now she... how could she...

"I know I can never repay for the things I've done. I could tell you it wasn't my fault. That it was my instincts. But none of that can atone for the actions I've done. But please," Blake's eyes swelled as they filled with tears. Yang and Ruby looked at her with merciful eyes. Ruby hated it. She hated that this is the state her team was in. She was their leader. The one responsible of taking care of them. And yet she failed to do even that

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