Chapter 10

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"Calm down, Olivia. You're just gonna help Y/N teach them, no biggy." The girl muttered to herself as she stood outside Y/N's door, "All you need to do is press the doorbell. Simple! A little press, you got this!" She raised her arm and was sweating bullets. As her finger was about to press the doorbell, she retracted it and internally screamed.

"Goddamnit, just press the damn button, will you?" Olivia told herself, "It's just a simple study session, nothing else! Stop getting nervous!" Olivia calmed herself and after a few more failed attempts, she managed to press the doorbell.

As she waited, she began to grow anxious. Why exactly? She doesn't really know why. She had been to his place plenty of times, and this was no different. To be fair, it has been a long time since she last came here, and by a long time, she means a year. Y/N wasn't the type to invite people over, he liked his privacy.

The door swung open and there stood Y/N, wearing casual clothing, "Took you long enough."

Olivia got annoyed by this, "Like you can talk, you had to rearrange the plan because you wanted to go the park with those two."

"I wish I never did."



Olivia shot him an unsure gaze.

"By the way, I'm gonna go buy groceries." Y/N told as he walked past her. Olivia was surprised at the sudden news, which was understandable, "Make sure they don't break anything while I'm gone, and don't let the corgi near Blake. Seriously, trained to kill and scared of a corgi." Y/N silently grumbled. He left without another word, leaving Olivia all alone at his doorstep.

She entered the house and heard noises in the living room. She removed her shoes and went to investigate the noise.

"Stop playing, Y/N already told you!"

"Pssshhh, he isn't here, is he?"

Yang sat on the couch, playing a game called 'Apex Legends'. Blake sat on a chair to the right of the couch, book in hand. Ruby and Weiss meanwhile-

"You're just mad because you don't know how to play." Ruby said, a smirk on her face as she sat down beside her sister.

"What!? Excuse me, but even as a heiress, I've played games before!" Weiss growled, glaring at the girl.

"It's okay to tell the truth, Weiss~"

Weiss was fuming with anger while Ruby glared at her, there was tension in the air, and everyone could feel it, but pretended not to.

"I could easily win against you in the game with guns!" Weiss stated confidently.

Ruby let out a small giggle, "You sure? I do love playing the game with guns."

"Please. If I can beat you during combat class, I doubt you can beat me in a stupid little game."

Ruby smile faded and was replaced with a look of distaste, "Hey! I slipped okay?! The floor was wet!"

Weiss copied Ruby's smirk from earlier, "It's okay to tell the truth, Ruby~"

Ruby was shocked before she had completely lost her patience. She let out a silent growl while Weiss had a smug smile on her face.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Olivia stepped in before things got out of hand. Weiss and Ruby crossed their arms and looked away from each other.

Olivia sighed in relief. Blake glanced away from her book and greeted Olivia with a friendly wave with it. Olivia waved back with a smile before she turned her attention to Yang, who was immersed in the match.

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