Part 43

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Y/N's POV:
Shrieking quietly, just in earshot of Oliver, he rests his hand on my back and informs me it's from a while ago. He told me that he told Fred before anyone that he was planning on proposing, Fred wrote various draft letters beforehand so he could be in touch with it all. There were going to be two best men, Fred and George but of course now he's gone....

Kissing my cheek, he pulls me back upwards and his expression softens up at the letter from his Nan and Grandad. For now, they're tucked away hidden in France for a while so they unfortunately couldn't make it. This letter makes up for them not being present, the words written are adorable and perfectly put together.

After we finish reading all of the letters, we set all of them to one side and promise to write back to every single one of them later.

Swirling and swirling, twirling and twirling, dances fill the spacious floor with beautiful chaos.

Catching a glimpse of Trixie, I scramble over to her, begging and pleading for a dance. This gives me deja vu of Harper's wedding. Eventually giving in because she loves me, we slow dance once again. This time not tripping or falling, seeing as we're kind of trained for this thing now.

George and Oliver watch from a distance, striking up a conversation about their beloved quidditch.

"I can't believe we've been friends for nearly 10 years now..." She gasps, remembering.
"Crazy how time flies, Trix. I wish we were little and young again." I sigh.
"No, because right now you wouldn't be here marrying Oliver!"
"True Trixie. Good events come out of bad ones. I love you, thanks for always sticking by me." I smile at her, holding her by her shoulders.

The wedding wraps up and I fall asleep in Oliver's arms, smiling to myself at how lucky I am.

3 years later, Oliver's POV:
It's been 3 years. 3 whole years, since I married Y/N. I can't call her Moonshine anymore, instead I call her Wood. About a year after the wedding, she fell pregnant with triplets. Their names are Ayla Liana Wood, Axel George Wood and Dixie Minerva Wood. They're wailing things they are, but they're bloody adorable I tell you. Now we're both 23, handling triplets along with Trixie's and George's babies when they go out.

Ludicrously, they also had triplets just around a month or two after us. That was the oddest thing any of us have ever encountered, Trixie and George are now married too. Lee got married to Katie Bell. Everything is settled now and Fred's grave isn't too far so we all go down to visit occasionally.

Often spotting the rest of the Weasley's and Astrid down there too, even Percy who redeemed himself after the Battle of Hogwarts. Percy is an amazing person and him and Kingsley Shacklebot changed the Ministry for the better. He's now Head of the Department of Magical Transport and hired people who actually care for the others working along with them.

Y/N works as an auror now, along with Harry as her head of department.

Squeaks come from Axel (named after Y/N's brother) from inside of his cot, he's finally risen. It's now around 9am, Y/N and I have been sitting here waiting for them to wake up since around 7:30. It's been one peaceful morning.

Arms outstretched as he yawns, he peeks up at us with a wide toothy smile. His onesie now crumpled due to the way he slept. Y/N pulls him up and he lunges towards her, sucking at his thumb.

Now due to the noise made, the two little girls wake up. Diana desperately tries to clamber out of her cot, she's always been the mischievous one.

Rapidly racing over there before she ends up actually succeeding, I lift her out and set her down next to Y/N. Going back over for the rather quiet Ayla, she purrs happily as I fake fly her through the air.

The grouchy Diana bawls like usual, she just needs some food and then she'll be fine.

Third year me, would've never even dreamed about something as absurd as this. If someone told me I'd be spending the rest of my life with Y/N I would've branded them a fool, but here I am. She's the love of my life and I wouldn't swap it for anything else.

Although we had troubles trying to connect with one and another, we finally acknowledged the fact that we're meant for each other....

The end.

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