Part 38:

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Skip to the end of the seventh year:

"I'm going to miss you so much." I sniffle, squeezing all of my friends tightly.
"Y/N! We're going to see you! Calm down." George shakes his head, holding me into a long hug.
"That's not going to prevent me from missing seeing you all EVERYDAY!" I bellow, sighing.

"I'm going to miss you so much, I love you so much!" Trixie climbs on me, shaking me as I feel her bottom lip tremble as she bursts into tears on me.
"Trix! No! Don't cry. Corrr, I love you loads." Tears stream down my face as I bury my face into her pit of curly locks. It reminds me of fourth year.

Eventually letting go of me, she makes me promise that I'll visit every week.
"Oh come on, I can't promise that. I'll try visit you the majority of the time."

Tomorrow, Oliver and I are moving away for a brand new and fresh start. Away from the bustling cities, away from everything.

My beret bouncing on top of my head, I hold Fred closely to me as I ruffle his ginger hair.
"As much as I hate you doing that, I'll allow it just this once." He chuckles, holding me by my back.
"Oh Freddie! I'm going to miss you more than I can explain."
"I'm going to miss you too, Y/N. All jokes aside, you're my best friend and I'm going to find it hard without your constant nagging."
"Oh be quiet you." I giggle, turning to Angelina.

"Ange! I'll miss you so much, too. We got so close in sixth year and now I'm finding it so hard to say goodbye..." I sigh, struggling to form my sentence.
"Oh come here, Y/N!" She yanks me towards her, giving me the biggest bear hug I've ever received in my life.
"Take care, Ange. I'll be sending you regular owls." I smile deviously at her, as if signalling to take good care of my ginger and she nods her head as if saying she will.

Huddling my younger siblings together, I give them all a huge group hug before letting them all go. Turning to my youngest sibling Astrid, who's now a fourth year. Her and Ginny are still best friends, although sometimes I wonder if they're actually a thing.

"Astrid, take good care of yourself okay? I love you loads, you're the best sister I could ever ask for."

Proceeding to turn to Axel, I wish him the best of luck and I let him know that if he ever needs anything I'm here to help. "I love you Axel!" I add, embarrassing him.

"Max, you better stay with dear Hermione or you're awfully stupid. I love you! You're capable of so much, don't doubt yourself."

"Riv, my dear brother. The one that goes from girl to girl so fast. I'm only joking, calm! Anyway, I know you'll achieve whatever you set your mind on. So do that for me, okay?"

The train arrives, leaving us all in tears. I rapidly say my goodbyes to Odessa, Yasmin and additional others.

Sighing as I trace the window with my fingers, mist begins to build up. Butterflies flutter through the wild, I natter on with my friends before giving an extra special goodbye to Trixie as Oliver and I arrive at our destination.

"Can't wait for tomorrow, my girl." He grins at me, kissing my forehead.
"Well, we better start sorting it out today then hey?"
"Correct... Trixie is gonna be astonished when she finds out we're next door to her." He chuckles. We did that purposely, of course.

"She's so upset! Little does she know, we're going to see her everyday..."

2 weeks later:
We're finally all set, everything is done and we're properly moved in. Smiling at our success, a loud knock bangs on the door and a joyful Trixie flings her arms around me.

"Woah!!" I exclaim as the excited girl squeezes me.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"It was a surprise."
"Trixie." Oliver laughs from behind me.
"Well hello to you too!"
"Where's Georgie?"
"He's in the house!"

One of my last chapters :(

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