Part 25:

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Oliver's POV:
The new students sat at their given houses, warming up to new people. Y/N and Trixie slump themselves down next to all of us, both looking deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" George questions.
"I don't like Nadine... I don't know why." Y/N begins.
"Neither do I! She's just... suspicious almost!" Trixie adds, kicking at the table leg.

"You don't even know her. You can't make assumptions about her!"
"Oh be quiet." Trixie scoffs.
"Just because you fancy her." Y/N tuts.

I feel her gaze burn through me, distracting me as I try to settle and focus on this homework.
"What?" I ask, frustrated.
"N-nothing..." I stammer, feeling a little nauseous once again.

"You're silly, you."
"Just are." She smirks, facing me.
"You look like you're up to something..."
"I'm not!" She crosses her arms in a stern manner.

"Stop flirting you two!" Fred calls us out, the both of us flushing bright red.
"Leave it out! I'm not flirting with Oliver, he's just very flirtatious."
"Oliver.. the new girl is staring at you." George points out, interrupting the conversation. All of our eyes flicker over to her, she raises an eyebrow before winking.

Y/N takes a deep breath, glaring at Yasmin.
"For fucks sake..." She mumbles under her breath, just about in earshot.
"Y/N?" I whisper, turning my attention back to her.
"Nothing..." I say for the second time. We both edge closer to each other, leaving not even a little gap.

Hearing footsteps behind us, we both slowly adjust our heads so we can see. It's Yasmin scampering rapidly over.
"What do you want?" Y/N asks.
"That's not very welcoming, Miss Moonshine!"

"My name is Y/N."
"Y/N then."
I hover my hand over hers, leaving a tingling sensation so she'll calm down. She grabs ahold of my hand, caressing it gently.

"I see." Nadine raises her eyebrow slightly, eyeing our hands.
"Glad to see you got the hint." Y/N smiles sarcastically, nestling up towards me.
I clutch onto her tightly, pulling her closer as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Well Y/N, I didn't know that you both liked each other. I actually want to be friends more than anything." She says, a tiny little smirk hidden on her face but I notice it as she glances to the floor.

"Trixie and I will talk to you tomorrow." Y/N rapidly waves her off, tutting after she exits.
"Y/N!" Trixie mumbles in a stern manner.
"I only said that so she would piss off."

She lets go of me, making it clear that it was more of a jealousy thing. I feel a glint of sadness before returning back to the homework that I was originally doing.

Not being able to concentrate, I set my pen down on the table in a huff.
"What's wrong?" George asks, realising my frustration.
"Nothing. Just can't concentrate."

"Do that later, set it aside for now. Lee has already done it, he can help you later."
I nod my head and shove the crumpled pieces of paper into the bag,

"The new girl seems to have her eyes on you." George adds.
"She's pretty and all but..."
"Someone has a little crush on the Lestrange!"
"No! You didn't let me finish my sentence."
"I just don't like her."
"You've only known her for a little while. Give it time and you'll be all over each other."

"George, I highly doubt that."
"Just you wait!"
"What is it with you lot and forgetting things?" I whisper, shaking my head.
"What?" George screws up his face in a puzzled manner before realising.

"OHHHH." He finally gets the memo.
"There you go!"
"Sorry, sorry." He lightly slaps himself, chuckling whilst jokingly wincing.

"God, you have the memory of a fish."
"I wouldn't go that far! I'm just rather forgetful."
"No mate, you're just stupid." Fred adds, flashing a white smile as he joins in on the conversation.

"Smarter than you, Freddie. That's a fact by the way."
"Okay! I'm not going to deny it but..."
"No buts!"
"Whatever. I'm the more handsome twin anyway."

"We're identical you plonker."
"I'm still more handsome!"
What an odd pair, they really do know how to make me crease of laughter though.

Oliver's Slytherin ((COMPLETED))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu