Part 4:

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Y/N's POV:
"Ahh, Slytherin!" Oliver calls out for me, patting at the chair next to him.
"Well if it isn't the Gryffindor."
"That's me!" We both giggle.

We both crack on with our work, jotting down notes from the presentation that McGonagall planned out for us.
"Lee! Will you stop rocking on your chair?" McGonagall begins to nag.
"Sorry, Miss."

"Now, I assume that you've all finished with your notes? Is that correct? Very well, now this homework that I have set requires you to work in partners."
Chatting fills the room, I don't really have any other friends in this room, other than Oliver. Apart from Oliver and I aren't very close and he has several other friends in his class. Including the person that he likes.

"Table partners." McGonagall adds, causing people to begin to complain.
"No complaining!" McGonagall wags her wand high up in the air.
"Class dismissed!"
I clutch my things close to my chest, as I leave the class I hear someone call my name.

"Y/N!" It's Oliver.
"Yes, Wood?"
"Seeing as this next lesson is a free period, do you want to start off with the homework in the library?"
"Yeah, sure." I follow him towards the library, assuring that we sit on the table furthest away from Madam whatever her name is, the librarian.

As we start to do our homework, he strikes a conversation.
"We don't speak as much anymore, Y/N."
"I know. A shame really, we had a good friendship back in 1st year. Things change though, ey?" I respond, clicking my pen.
"I guess being on rival teams and all..."
"Yeah. Probably that. It's okay, at least we're still friends." I shrug, looking up at him.

"Your girlfriend really doesn't like me, Oliver."
"What makes you say that? Also she's not my girlfriend.. yet."
"Did you not see her today?! You were literally there!"
"Okay fair point. I don't know why she doesn't like you, maybe intimidation because you're a Slytherin-."
"Yeah, a Slytherin. Why do you all have such a major problem with that?" I snarl, standing up and collecting my things.
"I didn't mean it like that.-" He jumps out of his seat, tucking it in cautiously.
"Sure you didn't." I barge past him, storming out of the library.

After that encounter with Oliver, I decide to go to the lake. It angers me more than anything when someone automatically just assumes that I'm a wicked, cruel person just because I'm in Slytherin. How does my house determine my entire personality? It's just ridiculous and completely and utterly pathetic. I may have been a little harsh with him but that doesn't matter, I'm just enraged by the fact that they all think so lowly of me.

A sudden breeze flows by, sending shivers down my spine. I begin to skim little smooth stones throughout the body of water, being extra cautious to make sure I don't accidentally hit the giant squid. I stay for a bit, admiring the ripples of the currents that gently pass by one and another.

As the bell rings for break, I huff and pull myself up. I make my way towards the big tree at the corner of the field, where I usually meet Trixie. It's been our thing since first year. The Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw's also usually crowd around it, squabbling over the centre like their life depends on it.

I sprint over to Trixie, carefully examining the first years to see if I can find Axel or Astrid.
"There you are!" Trixie pants as if she's been running miles.
"What?" I mutter, giggling.
"I've been looking all over you!"
"Don't be a fool, Trix! This has always been our usual spot!"

Crowds of burgundy and deep blue robes surrounded us, trapping us within the wave of students. I begin to explain to Trixie what happened  at the library, whispering it so nobody else can capture a single word of what I'm saying. All of a sudden, I feel a little tap on my shoulder, causing me to spin around.

It's Wood.
"What do you want?" I roll my eyes.
"Look, I just came to apologise-."
"Leave her alone, Oliver. Damage is done already. You might not think that what you said was bad, but to her it was." Trixie speaks up for me, lightly pushing Oliver away. He sighs, walking back over to Fred and George who are in a huddle closest to the tree.

All of a sudden, there's a massive crash. The area becomes dead silent, everyone trying to figure out what it is. Everyone's eyes flicker over to the 2nd years, negative thoughts flow through my head as I make my way over that. What if that's Max fighting? I push past the crowds, quickly hurrying over.

Luckily, it's not Max. Despite it not being him, he's still in the front row and he's of course egging them on.
"Max! No!" I swat him on the head, leaning over to see who's fighting. I recognise the platinum haired boy.

"Your troublesome friend, of course Max." I mutter under my breath, shaking my head vigorously. I don't obviously want Max to risk losing his friends but I just wish he selected a better bunch. I ruffle his messy locks and turn back to Trixie.

I feel a pair of eyes pierce through my back, causing me to begin feeling uneasy.

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