Part 42

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Y/N's POV:
A few months later:

It's been a few months since the Battle of Hogwarts and yet I still get a sense of victory when it troubles my mind. Tears along with it too of course, it took Oliver and I two months to heal and to stop moping around about it.

But to brighten the spirit, it's our wedding day and I'm so excited. The last wedding I went to was Harper's, which was back in fourth year. Now it's my one.

It's a Summer day, the scorching sun hanging low above us as it gleams in our fading tan's faces. As requested, little dangling white flowers are presented on the tables along with goblets that remind me of Hogwarts.

And of course, Trixie is the maid of honour. Harper, Astrid, Angelina, Karla (Oliver's sister) and Ginny are all bridesmaids. Recently, I've formed a close friendship Ginny seeing as she's best friends with my sister.

George is best man. Groomsmen are Lee, Max, River, Phoenix and Ben. Ben is a friend he met at Puddlemere United, I forget we're not at school anymore sometimes.

Faffing around with my dress, a huge smile then appears on my Mother's face.
"You look beautiful darling!" She cries out in awe.


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Seizing my hand, she yanks me upwards and gives me the biggest hug I've ever received from that woman in my entire life.

Giggling, I softly pat her on that back before she lets me go. Spinning me around, she then proceeds to call after the rest of the girls.

Some time later:
Nostalgia fills me, my father escorts me down the aisle and I glance forwards to check everyone. They all look beautiful, Trix has a roaring grin on her face as she peers at George who looks as if he might cry at her beauty. They're all lined up in front of the chairs, the only people now in the middle is my father and I.

I feel numerous eyes admiring my father and I as we proudly yet nervously scatter down the aisle. I spot the chosen one himself (joke obviously), Hermione and Ron all applauding in the corner. Hermione is desperately scanning around for my dear brother.

Catching Oliver's eye, I stare at him in amazement. He looks so... great. Trying my best not to stumble, I walk towards the stage bit and face him. He has a gentle look glinting in his eyes, a smile plastered over his face.

The vows are completed and fully exchanged, we're finalllyyyy married. I've been waiting for this day since fourth year. Kissing me as the priest presents us husband and wife, I can slightly feel him smiling through it. I'm now Mrs Wood, no longer a Moonshine.

Some time later:
The dinner begins, leaving me hopelessly scanning around for the dead Bellatrix just in case. I don't want a replica of Harper's wedding, that was petrifying.

To my surprise though, the Malfoy's have dared to show their faces. Dismissing this even though I literally didn't invite them, I assume my parents did... once again.

Sitting on the large row is me, Trixie, my parents, obviously Oliver, the best man, Oliver's parents, my siblings, Oliver's sister and the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Luna and spare seats for Axel and Fred. Luna's idea of course, she's still grieving too.

Speeches are read out, George completely embarrassing Oliver and sniggers and chuckles can be heard from miles away.

Rambling on about all of the things they got up to whilst at Hogwarts, Oliver flushes bright red and Trixie and I have a right old giggle about it.

After finishing his hilarious speech, Trixie goes up next and presents more of a sentimental and emotional speech, adding secret jabs that I recognise straight away in there though. Her speech has me in tears.

Whisking her away and jumping up to give her a tight squeeze, she giggles at my tickling embrace.

First dance:
Swiftly moving to the beat, I hold him tightly as he peers into my eyes. Bursting out laughing, i nestle my head into the crook of his neck as he chuckles at me not being able to hold eye contact.

I feel like I just got electrified by the intensity in here, I feel like a child once and for all. Although now I'm 20... it sure doesn't feel like it. This is the most unexpected yet pleasant surprise in my life, never did I think that I'd be marrying Oliver. Never. I thought I'd be marrying Adrian but I'm so glad I didn't.

Dreamily gazing over towards the pouring water fountain which looks as if ripples are dripping down, several owls with letters attached come streaming in a babble.

As the dance ends, I excitedly yank Oliver towards them all and the guests hesitantly follow after.

They're all wedding letters, wishing us an amazing wedding and so on so on. All from guests that couldn't make it, but what terrifies me the most is the fact that there's a letter from Fred on there....
2nd last part :(
Not proof read, sorry for any errors

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