Part 17:

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Y/N's POV:
"Y/N." Adrian calls after me, what on earth does he want?
"What?" I mumble angrily.
"Please... hear me out."
"What is it?"

"I was on a love potion when I kissed Lola."
"Yeah yeah. Just leave me alone."
"I swear! Y/N... you have to believe me. Lola admitted it."
"Get her over here."

He hurriedly races over to Lola, pleading with her to come over. Hesitating, she trudges over here.
"Yes?" She rolls her eyes, flicking and fiddling with her necklace.
"I want you tell her the truth." Adrian sternly announces.
"Fine. I did use a love potion on Adrian but in all honesty I'm not sorry." She shrugs.

"Thanks, Lola. You can go now." He motions for her to leave, she finally gets the memo before quickly exiting.
"Y/N... now you have the evidence."
"Sorry... for not hearing you out."
"It's okay. I understand." I should've known that he would never cheat, well willingly anyway.

"Sorry if it's like... too short of time... could we maybe start again?"
"Sorry, stupid question."
"No. It's fine. I'll consider it." I smile weakly, going in for a hug to apologise. He wraps his arms around me.

"I've missed you!" He exclaims with a sad expression.
"Why the sad face?"
"I heard that you're with Oliver."
"Oh no. I can't do that, I'm the Slytherin captain and he's the Gryffindor captain."
"Fair point."

I feel two cold hands drag me down, facing me.
"Y/N!" Trixie cries out.
"What?" I groan.
"Why are you with this cheat?!"
"He didn't actually cheat. It was a love potion."
"This is all just a ploy to get back together!"
"No! Trix, I swear!"

Trixie yanks me away.
"Adrian! I'll come back in a second!"
He nods his head understandably.

"What the fuck are you playing at?! He hurt you!"
"He didn't actually cheat, Trixie!"
"What about Oliver, Y/N?! He's seen you with Adrian, hugging him even! He looks so upset and so angry!" She growls, I sigh. I don't want to make Oliver upset.

I glance over to Adrian who's just striking up a conversation with others, then over to Oliver. He's slumped himself down on the bench.
"Go see him then!" She grunts, pushing me towards the centre.

Hesitating, I decide to go over and see him.
"Go away." I roll my eyes and sit myself down sheepishly next to him.

"What do you want?!"
"To talk to you, Oliver."
"Well go on then."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong. Where did you even get the impression that there was?"

"By the expression on your face..." I grab ahold of his hand, comfortably holding it into my lap.
"I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry for what I said earlier but it's true. We have to just be friends." He sighs, letting go of my hand and wrapping it around my waist instead.

"Thanks for understanding." He gives me a little smile before going to get up. I pull him back down, setting him beside me once again. I glance around the field, most people have gone. The only remaining people are Trixie, Fred, George and Lee.

I wrap my arms around him warmly. He pulls me in closer, I set my head down in the crook of his neck.
"Oi oi lovebirds!" Lee jokes, causing the rest to laugh. I blush lightly.
"No, Lee." Oliver shakes his head.

I head over to the lake, needing a bit of a break. As I place myself down on the grass close to it, I see a shadow in the distance on the other side of the lake. I watch as they come closer until I realise who it is. It's Oliver.

Head in my hands, I examine him closely. He looks like he's stressing out as he paces back in circles. Noticing me, he stops.
"Y/N?" He yells, making his way round the edge of the lake. He sits down next to me, not saying another word.

"So I heard that you and Adrian are back again." He clears his throat.
"No. Who told you that?"
"Well after I left the pitch, everyone was telling me."
"No... he apologised about the whole cheating thing but it wasn't actually his fault."
"He was on a love potion."
"So you're with him now?"
"No. I told him I would maybe consider it." He nods his head, glancing at me.

After a moment pause of awkward silence, he sighs.
"Y/N... it's just..."
"Nothing..." He carefully skims a stone, a concentrated expression on his face. I don't bother to interrogate him any further, instead just enjoying the views.

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