Part 14:

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Y/N's POV:
Party, part 3:
He sighs, awkwardly hugging me. We head towards the drink stand, hand in hand. I don't know if he's just too drunk to argue or if he just doesn't want to cause an argument but he completely disregards the topic we were just discussing.

I chug my next drink, it slowly slithering down my throat. Clearing my throat, I go to refill.
"Take it easy, you've already had a load." Oliver advises me. I ignore his advice, going to pour another.
"1, 2, 3... Come on Wood!" We both swig it at the same time, giggling. After several shots and drinks, we begin to become a whole lot more intoxicated.

My eyes begin to drop, clinging onto Oliver as we swiftly move along to find Trixie and the rest of them. We quite literally swoop high and low for them, searching around every corner of the room for them.

Failing miserably at our attempt to find them, the party begins to wrap up.
The mess left behind is atrocious. As we step over all of it, we make our way out of the common room. Strolling through the corridors, still desperately clutching onto Oliver's hand. He wraps his other arm around me, holding me close to his chest. The Adrian situation is completely swept off of my mind.

We head up the stairs that lead up to Gryffindor dorms. Perplexed but too sleepy to even say anything, I follow him on. We reach his dorm, swinging the door open.

"You brought a girl back too, Oliver?" George questions, Trixie by his side.
"It's Y/N." Trixie says in realisation.
"Wait... Y/N?!" The shock hits her.
"Oliver mate, you've bagged Y/N?"
"Yous are too drunk lad... Settle down..." Oliver  chuckles.
"He has bagged her as well!" She sits upright.

"Poor thing is out of it." Trixie sighs, climbing out of George's arms over to me.
"You're gonna have a banging hangover tomorrow."
"So are you!"
Oliver's POV:
Y/N slurs her words before slowly drifting off in my arms.
"What am I gonna do?" I sigh, a drunken mess.

"She has to sleep with you.. Fred and Angelina are fast asleep. If you listen out carefully, you can hear him snoring." Trixie giggles.

I laugh, Trixie quickly wishes Y/N goodnight.
"I've got to get her out of that scratchy material... Trixie, my wardrobe is over there. Would you mind getting a shirt out for Y/N?"

"No worries." She strolls over there, picking one out. Chucking it over to me, she makes her way back over to George.
I shake Y/N lightly, waking her.
"Here, Y/N... put this on."
"Look away..." She giggles, hiccuping. I quickly turn around, looking into the pit of darkness towards the corner of the room.

"Yeahh.." I smile at the sight of her, she heads towards the floor.
"No, Y/N... It's okay. Come here." I reach for her, lifting her up onto one side of the bed. The next time I look round, she's fast asleep.
I wrap my arms around her, she leans her head on my chest.

The morning:
I wake up with a banging headache, a little frightened by the fact that there's a girl laying on top of me.
Remembering the past events of yesterday, I fully open my eyes and realise that it's Y/N.
Oh shit, Alicia...

Not wanting to disrupt her by getting up, I run her hair through my fingers and I start to smile like mad.
I stay in the same position, looking up to the ceiling.

All of a sudden, she begins to shuffle.
She wakes up, yawning.
"Y/N?" I whisper, careful not to wake up the others.
"Oliver?" She calls out, sounding petrified.
"You okay?"
"Where am I?!" She starts to freak out.
"Do you not remember yesterday?"

She pauses for a couple of moments before nodding her head, sighing.
"What's wrong?"
"Just getting flashbacks of the Adrian situation..." I sit upright, pulling her onto my lap. She looks fairly uneasy, probably hungover.

She peers at me, softly smiling.
"Don't let it ruin your day."
Before I can say anything, two thumps strike at the door. We both glimpse over to the door, having forgotten to lock it the following night.
"Is Y/N in here?" A deep voice calls out, Y/N manages to get up and she stumbles over to the door.

Opening it a little bit, she's now face to face with Adrian.
"What do you want?"
"Woah no need to get feisty. What's wrong?" He pulls her close towards him just to get shoved away.

"Who's dorm is this?" He questions, studying the door.
"Oliver, Fred and George."
"What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing, I could also ask you why the fuck you decided to go and kiss Lola." She grits her teeth and then proceeds to close the door.

"Y/N!" He hisses through the door. Ignoring it, she makes her way back over to me. She tiptoes over in an attempt to not wake up the others.

Oliver's Slytherin ((COMPLETED))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora