Part 5:

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Y/N's POV:
Trix and I walk towards the Slytherin table after quidditch practice, I get a whiff of unusual smelling food.
The sudden chattering at the table turns into eerie silence. The rest of the tables block out the awkward silence though.

"Come on Trix, I'm not sitting with these lot. Clearly something has happened, can we go sit by Sabrina and Connor at the Gryffindor table?" I whisper, a heavy emphasis on the something. She nods her head, ducking down to make sure nobody spots her.

"Wait, I see George. Can we go sit with them?" She pleads, her twinkling green eyes flickering from George and I. She uses her puppy dog eyes on me, I eventually give in and we prop ourselves down next to Oliver, Fred and George.

"Hey, Trix." Trixie flushes bright red when he says her name.
"Someone's got a crush." I poke her, she furiously slaps my knee.
"Says the one who loves Adrian!" She screeches loudly, turning a few heads. Oliver looks up from his book, sorrow glinting in his eyes.

"Y/N-." He begins to speak.
"Don't wanna hear it."
"What's happened between you two?" Fred questions, mouth full of food. Oliver shakes his head and returns back to his book, sighing.

Trixie, Fred and George all strike a conversation, fuck know's what they're on about but at the point I could really care less. I zone out, my eyes set on how the chandelier dangles due to the wind.

"Y/N!!" A very excitable, high voice calls out for me. I see Astrid, her neatly tied plaits bouncing around her shoulders. She jumps up on me, a babble of young girls surround us.
"Astrid! Your robes are COVERED in paint!" I natter, pulling her up onto my lap.
"Why are you at the Gryffindor table? You're a Slytherin." She questions.

"Just for tonight. You're not so shy anymore, are you my little star?" I tickle her, her high pitch laughs fly in and out of my ears.
"Who's the small little Hufflepuff?" Fred asks, I whiz around with Astrid still clinging onto me.
"This is my sister, Astrid."
"TRIXIE!" She cheers, reaching out for her.

After they break apart from the hug, I hurry Astrid along with the rest of her friends. I watch as their tiny selves skip away into the distance, all separating once again to go off to their tables.

"How many siblings do you have, Y/N?" Fred asks with an inquisitive look on his face.
"Ha! Beat ya! I have 7, well that's including myself." We both laugh, waffling away the rest of the night.

Alicia comes wandering over, placing her hands on Oliver's shoulders. He snaps his book shut, eyes fixated on the girl stood towering over him. George budges up, allowing her in next to Oliver. I try my best to ignore her. Despite my attempts, every time I even manage to get a word in edgeways she shoots me a dirty look.

"Have you got a problem, Spinnet?" She really is starting to frustrate me now.
"Well yeah, actually."
"Well what is that?" Trixie jumps in.
"First of all, you're Slytherin's. Why are you sitting over here anyway?"
"They're our friends, Alicia. You don't need to stick your huge nose into that." Trixie grunts, I can't help but burst out laughing. George and Fred quietly chuckle, earning them both looks off of Oliver.

"Shut up you evil, backstabbing Slytherin bitch!" Alicia growls.
"What's your second problem?"
"The fact that you're NON-STOP flirting with the person that I... well... like!"
"I hope you're joking." I giggle to myself.
"I'm technically with Adrian, I wouldn't even try and go for Oliver. He's the captain of one of the rival teams. Do you even know how quidditch goes?"

"I literally play it, of course I do."
"Clearly not enough." Trixie sniggers.
"Come, Trix. I can't even be arsed with this today." I squawk in a quieter manner, we walk away out of the hall. The clamour turns into silence as we get further and further away.

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