Duel of the fates part 3

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There I was, lying on the floor holding on to dear life. The immense pain was intensifying with every second. Yoda and Ahsoka were both on the ground: paralyzed. It was up to me. I'm the only one available right now. But there was just no way that I could overpower the Emperor.

Giving up was honestly the only thing I was thinking of right now, but I knew that I shouldn't. No, I couldn't. The entire galaxy was counting on me to destroy the sith. The Jedi are selfless, they help those in need, and they will sacrifice themselves for others. I had to make a stand.

It was almost as if my power of determination has overpowered my common sense, for I was somehow able to finally lift up my hand to counter the lightning that was still spidering around my face. The strategy was starting to work, a couple daggers of electricity were stopped by my hand, then a couple more, and then another, followed by another, until I had gained strength to use both hands and stood up to face the Emperor.

All I could feel was the force. I was barely even able to acquire any feelings of pain, or feelings of anything for that matter. The only thing that did matter was that I overthrow the Emperor so that the galaxy would be free.

I continued pushing forward until I was about to destroy him, but little did I know my eyes were turning towards a shade of orange. My force powers were finally conquering and evaporating him, until a soft distant voice could be heard.


It was only then that I realized how much I was tapping into the darkness. Only a dark sider would have the power to summon and evaporate an opponent like this.

Seeing what I was doing, I hesitated, and stopped my attack, as my body fell towards the ground, lifeless. My eyes closed as my temperature went down. For a moment, I couldn't feel anything, there was nothing but absolute darkness.


"Who's there?"

"Hello Caleb."

The face was starting to show itself now, as I was able make out a slightly brighter side of darkness. She turned her head towards me slowly, until I could finally make out who it was.

"Master Billaba!" I immediately sprang towards her, embracing her in a tight hug, something that I had never thought I would do.

"How have you been Caleb?"

"It's been very hard Master, I've really been struggling for 2 years until Ahsoka found me. Truth be told, I was days from suicide when she found me. I owe her my life."

"I'm glad to hear you turned out all right."

"Why am I here Master?"

"Because you have gone to a dangerous place Padawan, so dangerous that one could easily have found the urge to continue the temptation, but not you, you stopped and now you can be given a chance."

"So, am I dead?" I asked concerned.

"The choice is up to you Caleb, you've been given a second chance, but it is up to you to choose."

"I choose to live."

"That's good Caleb, your path is yours now. You know what to do." She gave a warm smile, before returning into the midst of darkness.

"No. Master wait..."

What did she mean I knew what to do? What do I do? Then it came to me, I forgot about my past and thought of all the memories I treasured with Ahsoka. Her warmth, her comfort, her soothing presence. Everything bright about life had come from her, and I owed her everything.

I love you Ahsoka.

With that final thought, I was finally brought back to reality where Ahsoka had just landed a slap on my face.

"Oh, Ahsoka." The next thing I knew, she had her lips placed onto mine as I slowly got up to wrap my arms around her, when she surprisingly pulled away.

"Come on, Yoda needs our help."

To our unfortune, Yoda was laying on the ground and struggling. Sidious was still firing lightning at him with a grim smile on his face.

"Now Master Yoda, you will die." He ignited his hot red lightsaber and was about to stab him straight through the heart, when I leaped towards Sidious and stabbed him from behind.

That was it. The galaxy was finally free of the sith, his dark presence slowly drifted away as he was still too stubborn to see his mistake, not wanting to believing that he had lost simply because of his blind arrogance. 

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