The chosen one

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"No. You're lying. Both of you are lying! I know Anakin, he is still out there somewhere and he could never turn to the dark side!" I yelled. Although I didn't spend much time with Anakin back then, the amount of time I did spend with him could prove my point easily.

"Caleb. Anakin is my master, you have no idea how hard it is for me to accept this." Said Ahsoka.

"And he was my student, my pupil, my brother. I failed him. It broke my heart to see him like this." Followed Obi Wan.

I just couldn't accept it. How could they? No. I had to find out the truth. So I instinctively sliced half of his mask off.

"A...A...Anakin? can't be." It's not true. It's impossible. My heart was about to stop. My legs shook and my lightsaber fell out of my grip. Now I wasn't just sad, I was angry, why would he join the sith? Why would he torture me? Why would he cause so much turmoil in the galaxy?

Ahsoka wasn't handling it well either. Her legs crippled as she kneeled down towards her limbless master, staring straight into his sinister yellow eyes. She put a hand beside the helmet, immediately sensing all the pain that he had gone through. Soon, her other hand made its way to his chest, trying to die down his pain.

"Anakin" She whispered. Darth Vader was relentless, he couldn't let the Jedi turn him back into his old original self. The dark side bubbled within him, stopping her from accessing his happy memories.

It only got worse for Vader when Obi Wan placed his own arms around him. Understanding what was going on, I too knelt down beside him, sending him calm signals through the force.

As suspected, he would continue pushing on. I was about to close my eyes when a little 3-year-old boy came into my view. He had the exact same eyes as Anakin, looking towards the strange picture of 2 teenagers and an old man sat next to a metallic robot.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" Said Obi Wan.

"You're not going to believe me but something just told me that I had to come here." He explained.

"Actually, you're exactly the person we needed." He said, changing his mind, "Come closer."

He seemed very nervous at the time, but I didn't blame him. What 3 year old wouldn't be nervous around a scary robot.

"It's okay kid, we'll be right here. Come here, my name is Caleb." I gave him a warm smile.

It was a good thing he was only 3, otherwise it would've been a lot more difficult to convince him.

"Anakin look, this is your son." Obi Wan pointed out.

"What?" Ahsoka and I yelled in unison, but nonetheless, continued harvesting our light energy into him.

I took his hand in mine as I gently placed it onto Anakin's chest plate.

"Noooo. Nooooo. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo!" His metallic voice yelled out, but at the very last second, the soft voice of Anakin could be heard.

His eyes returned to their original blue. The hatred inside him was stowing away. As he had finally escaped from his box.

Sheds of tears slid down his pale burnt face, as all that could now be felt was grief and sorrow.

"I'm sorry Ahsoka. I'm sorry. I only wanted to save Padme, and by doing so I've killed and hurt so many. I destroyed planets, I kidnapped children, I even killed the younglings and countless others at the temple. I'm so sorry." He said sincerely. But this time, we couldn't hear any of the Vader in him. All we heard was our good friend Anakin, apologizing poetically while we did all we could to calm him down.

Life was leaving him, he was slowly drifting away, we could all feel it. I wanted to respond to him by asking about his wife and everything, but I had a feeling someone else could give me the answer.

"I forgive you Anakin. I forgive you." I patted his shoulder.

"Anakin, Palpatine fooled us all. None of us would have known. I would have done exactly what you did for Satine if I was in your position." Came the wise voice of Obi Wan, "You were the best student I could ever have asked for. I forgive you."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me most." Ahsoka started, "I've always seen you as a great brother to me. You were kind, compassionate, and caring for others. The republic couldn't have asked for a better soldier, nor I, a better friend."

Anakin turned his gaze upon young Luke, placing a hand on his cheek.

"My son. I'm sorry for not ever being there for you, it must have been strange growing up on Tatooine without a father or a mother. I want you to promise me that you will train yourself to be a Jedi, and become a nicer man than I am. You may not see me around, but know that I will always be here with you." He finished.

Anakin's essence slowly drifted away, the life leaving him as every second passed by. He gave all 4 of us a warm reassuring smile, before leaving to meet his maker. 

If anyone can find any mistakes in the changes I made in this story, or if anything doesn't make sense, feel free to tell me. Your help will be much appreciated.

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