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"beep beep beep beep." Our com links suddenly went on, making Ashoka moan and open her bright blue eyes. I immediately woke up as well to use the force and grab our coms.

"We need to answer this." I cooed. She groaned lightly in agreement.

"Commander Dume here." I started.

"Dume, we need you and Tano to come to the conference room immediately." Said Sato.

"What's happened commander?"

"Bail Organa has been captured."

"We'll be right there sir."

"I'm guessing you heard that." I turned to Ahsoka.

"Yeah yeah let's go"

So we quickly got dressed and arrived at the conference room. It turns out that Bail Organa has been captured because he helped smuggle a couple of force sensitive children, and has now been caught by the Empire. He is kept in a prison on Mustafar, where Jedi go to die. It is up to Ahsoka and I to rescue him because of how important he is.

(1 hour later)

"We're approaching Mustafar Caleb, you sure you're ready for this." She asked concerned.

"I'll have to be." Even with the light of Ahsoka, I could still feel the dark presence of the planet. I just hope that the mission will go smoothly, for all I know this may be the most difficult mission I had ever done.

The first stage of the mission was done conveniently, we had docked on the landing platform, now for the difficult part.

Jumping out of the ship we ignited our lightsabers, deflecting and blocking every single shot the Stormtroopers fired at us. There were about 50 bucket heads, all using their training to defeat us. 

We continued to do our best to deflect the shots, but these troopers were way more talented than the ones I run into on supply runs. They were backing us up into a corner. Knowing exactly what we had to do, we nodded at each other before sending a powerful force push at the Stormtroopers, knocking out 10 of them. But that wasn't enough, there were still 30 of them running towards us. We both knew that there would only be more and more of them coming, so we had to act quickly if we ever wanted to succeed.

Trusting in the force I flung my lightsaber at them killing at least 5 of them, while I dodged the shots and took out my blaster. I continued to fight with my lightsaber and blaster until there were finally only 10 of them left. So I arrogantly charged at them with Ahsoka closely behind me and defeated them all, before fighting off the last 10 that had recovered.

The prison was all guarded, so it took us everything to break in, incinerating countless walkers with our little bombs. But even after we were inside, there were still a hundred troopers doing their best to stop us. The battle was long and hard, but eventually, we managed to find Bail and got him out. 

When we had just arrived at our ship, we saw Darth Vader and a large battalion of Stormtroopers waiting for us.

The bucket heads were the first to attack, with Vader just standing there waiting. I could sense his incomprehensible dark presence, there was so much anger inside him that it couldn't even compare to the bubbling hot lava beneath us. I stood in front of the senator guarding him from the firepower as Ahsoka used her aggressive fighting to take care of the StormTroopers.

I used Ahsoka's distraction to get Bail on board the ship. That was when Darth Vader suddenly jumped towards me to strike at me with his menacing blade. I was lucky to have ignited my lightsaber just in time to block his strong attack. He then came at me once again, where I hopped back, evading his attacks. 

Unfortunately for me, Vader was relentless, he continued to strike at me while I did all I could just to survive.

I accidentally lost my footing and dropped to the ground. Vader was about to finish me off when Ahsoka's blades suddenly appeared in front of my face, saving my life. I knew she couldn't keep up with him for long, so I did the only thing I could do. I started up the ship and pulled Ahsoka in, before jumping towards Vader, giving them just enough time to get away.

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