Wake up Caleb

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Things were so much better now, especially after that long night with Ahsoka where I could finally let everything out. The mission was a success, it turns out that having Ahsoka beside me and letting the tears out were the main factors that allowed me to feel more at peace than ever before. Speaking of Ahsoka, I have felt more and more connected to her these days. It was definitely much easier talking to her about everything, and I just felt really warmed up whenever she was around, it is almost as if I have formed an attachment with her. No. I can't. It's not the Jedi way, but it is just getting way too difficult not to.

"Wake up Caleb." Ahsoka gently cooed beside my ear, sending tingly sensations down my spine. But boy was I tired. We had just finished a mission yesterday, and also one the day before, and now another one? Why can't I just have a day off, I'm getting really tired with long and energy draining missions.

"No." I replied childishly.

"All right then." Wait was she giving up already? Huh, this was way easier than I thought. Or so I thought.

All of a sudden, two orange hands slid under me picking me up bridal style. I was caught completely off guard by this, my eyes immediately flung open to see that it was the beautiful orange togruta who was the wicked mastermind behind this. Having no clue what evil plan she has prepared for me, I decided to remove myself from the awkwardness right away.

Unfortunately for me, Ahsoka had a strong grip, stopping me from breaking away. I was about to try again when I heard Ahsoka laughing? The sound scared me at first, worrying that she may have been turned to the dark side, but soon, I recognised right away that she was simply having fun carrying me like a baby.

"Ahsoka what are you doing?" She didn't even seem to hear my voice since her hysterical laughter apparently dominated the room.

Before I knew it, we were outside, with Ahsoka still laughing at me like a maniac while embarrassment quickly crept through me as I saw a couple of heads turn towards us. Ahsoka continued to walk around the base as I continued my struggles, desperate to get back on the ground. As we walked through the halls of the ship, many could see my short stature being carried by a gorgeous young togruta, making me blush even harder.

It had been a long and embarrassing hour, but there I was, finally being brought back to my room, with Ahsoka still laughing. 

"I hope you're ready to get up now Caleb." Ahsoka said boldly, before placing me back onto the ground.

"All right all right, let's complete the mission." I smiled.

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