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Ahsoka may be a bit annoying sometimes, but she was still a great friend nonetheless. With each day, we are growing closer and closer, which is just slightly concerning because in the temple we were always told that attachments could lead to destruction, but she is my best friend and I do need a shoulder to lean on from time to time.

"Ready Caleb?" Oh great, now I have to wake up to do another mission for the rebellion. Don't get me wrong I like defecting from the empire very much, but every mission I do ends up draining every last bit of energy I have left in me.

I knew Ahsoka was waiting for a reply, so I replied by shaking my head. Yes, I know what happened last time when I didn't wake up, but honestly, what's the worst that could happen, I'll just pretend I'm sleeping in her arms.

"I can promise you now that you'll seriously regret not getting up." Yeah right. I groaned.

"Is that your final answer?" I didn't reply, but instead started planning on how I would react when Ahsoka starts carrying me.

I was taken completely back when I realised how much worse my conditions would be this time. Lunging on top of me she immediately lifted up my shirt to let loose a huge raspberry on my belly. My eyes bursted open while a large squeal escaped from my mouth. Then she wiggled her fingers around my sides making me laugh hysterically.

The tickling went on for what seemed like an eternity, with Ahsoka giving me large raspberries occasionally throughout. Meanwhile her two lekku only made the sensation worse, as they snaked their way all around my exposed stomach. Tears were now streaming down my face as the torturing only continued to make me weaker.

"Plehease stahahapp!" I managed to cry out through my tears.

To my surprise, Ahsoka actually stopped, relief was starting to flow through me when suddenly, tingly sensations could be felt all around my neck. Her pair of lekkus only intensified the feeling even more, as they were successfully in itching every part of my face, making me yelp and screech throughout the process like a 5-year-old. Who would've thought that lekkus could create such tingly sensations. The four limbs continued to unleash all tickle hell on me making me scream, shriek and snicker. This went on for half an hour until Ahsoka had finally stopped, seeing as how I was running out of breath. 

"Aren't you a ticklish one." Ahsoka smirked, "I guess you should've taken the time to assess your situation before confirming your decision."

"I hope you've learned your lesson Padawan." Ahsoka added cheekily. I was about to say something snippy when she did the most unexpected thing and placed a soft delicate kiss onto my right cheek, making me blush like never before. 

"Let's complete the mission my cute little friend." She finished, pulling away.

Thank you for the support everyone, it really does mean a lot to me. With that out of the way I wanted to ask about whether you guys would like to see some lemon in the future, since we all know that one way or another Kansoka is coming soon. So please comment down below. Just say yes or no and I'll do my best to satisfy your wishes.                                            In the meantime, I hope you stay safe and hygienic. Don't worry folks, the pandemic will be over soon.

Love y'all.

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