Leaving Lothal

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Weeks have passed since we had left the rebellion, since Ahsoka and I went to Lothal, and we have both decided that it was about time we went to another planet. Otherwise, the rebellion or empire could track us down.

"Where are we going again?" I asked impatiently.


"Right yeah."

Unfortunately, we were too late, just as our ship had entered orbit we saw a large blockade of imperial ships there waiting for us.

"Get on the guns!" She commanded.

"Got it." I yelled back, even though I had barely got any practices with shooting, much less shooting with a gun on a ship, but I trusted the force to guide me.

Soon enough, the destroyer started shooting at us, along with a large squadron of tie fighters. I could sense the presence of the dark side increasing as we neared the star destroyer, but I shook it off and focused on surviving this battle.

Ahsoka was flying mad, she would occasionally spin the ship making me dizzy, heck I didn't even know how she was still awake. She also drifted left, right, up and down in an unpredictable way like Anakin used to do, and yet one of the fighters was still able to keep up with her. Who could he be that he was so good at flying?

"Shoot something Caleb." Ahsoka yelled, as I was struggling to stay awake from all that spinning.

Truthfully, I wasn't really using my eyes, I was using the force as a guide which had proven to be useful since by doing that I had been able to destroy about 5 Tie fighters. However, that was clearly not enough since there was still at least 40 of them. I was thankful that there was also a gun on the front of our ship allowing Ahsoka to fire as well, otherwise this task would have been way more difficult.

We managed to evade the star destroyer and the tie fighters, but one specifically was still closely behind.

"Caleb, I need you here, now!" She yelled through all the gun fire. I immediately sprang to the pilot seat, sitting right behind her.

"The force is strong with him."

"How can I help?"

"Just remember your training."

So, I did, slowly lifting up my hand like she was doing, putting my other hand on her shoulder. We focused and focused and focused, slowly feeling the cold presence inside the tie fighter grow darker and darker. As we continued, I felt Ahsoka grow more and more worried of the dark figure.

I was about to sense who it was when...

"Ahhhhhhhh" Yelled Ahsoka, before passing out and falling backwards. I managed to catch her just before she hit the ground. But our troubles weren't finished, the tie fighter was still on our tail, and shooting everything it had at us.

Our shuttle was getting weaker and weaker, the ship can't continue like this any longer. So, quickly setting her down I got to the pilot seat, speeding into hyperspace which thankfully worked, for now anyway.

The coordinates were set for Tatooine, but due to our half-broken ship, we only managed to get halfway there when the shuttle suddenly fell out of hyperspace. But at least there weren't any imperials here.

I swiftly decided to check if we were being followed, or if they had planted a tracker on us, which thankfully they didn't. With that out of the way I went back to see if Ahsoka was doing all right. She was still breathing, so that should mean she's alive.

After placing Ahsoka onto the bed, I left to see what damages we've taken. Unfortunately, the ship's corruptions were quite severe, so it would take a long time for me to repair the ship, not to mention the fact that I had barely done any of this before.

I've been working for 6 hours now, the repairs were halfway finished, so I decided to take a break and see if Ahsoka was doing alright. Also because I was thoroughly drained.

Luckily, Ahsoka was already awake when I went to see her. But that didn't mean she wasn't hurt internally. Her eyes weren't shining their normal shade of blue, they were a bit sad and broken.

"Ahsoka! I'm glad you're awake." I exclaimed.

"Hey Caleb." She gave me a quick glance.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She didn't reply, instead, she just told me to give her some time to herself, and so I did. After all, giving her more pressure wasn't gonna help anyway.

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