Chapter 1-2

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On to where we left off ------->

"..........., anyways let's start." Sensei said as she sat down on one of the chairs, while I and Akito sat at the opposite of them.

"Wait, before that, Kiyotaka, why is the former StuCo. President here?" Akito asked me.

"I presume you're Miyake Akito, correct?" The older Horikita asked Akito and Akito nodded in response.

"I know of your situation, your homeroom teacher has told me about it, don't worry, I won't leak any detail of this conversation, but of course, it's still your choice whether or not you choose to trust me." The older Horikita said, Akito seemed to think about it for a few moments, then he looked at me as if asking, 'What do you think?'  to which I just shrugged.

(Sigh)"Well, I guess it's fine,  considering you are the former StuCo. President and all." Akito said and the older Horikita nodded.

"So, Ayanokouji, you said that Miyake has received points correct?" I was confused as to why sensei asked me, while the person in question was with us in the room, but I just decided to answer.

"Yes." I said.

"Have you confirmed that other than you, no one else in your class received private points?" The older Horikita asked Akito.

"Yes." Akito was the one to reply this time.

"And what about you, Ayanokouji was it? Do you know someone else that might've received points as well?" I have to say, the older Horikita's acting as if he didn't know me was spot on, even his poker face was very good that it could even compare to mine, but this is no time to be praising him.

"No, I don't." Was all that I replied.

"I see, well, I don't have any authority nor power to access anything that is connected to the school anymore, but..." He paused for a moment and looked at both of us.

"At the same time, I also have no restrictions on sharing information that may be useful, well, the amount of information is only to some extent of course." He said, Chabashira-sensei was only listening to the conversation and had a small smirk.

"Information? But how will that help? It's not as if we're trying to solve this on our own" Akito said.

"Yes, I'm very well aware of that, since it is your teacher's responsibility to help you with your problem, I was only asked to come here to confirm with you a few things that will help your teacher." The older Horikita said.

"I-I see." Akito said.

"So, here are the things that I want to confirm, are you sure that the school was the one who sent you points?"

"Yes, no doubt, I even received the confirmation e-mail."

"I see, the second one is, do you have any sort of connection with the current StuCo. President Nagumo?"

"No, I don't, I also haven't spoken to him, not even once." Despite Horikita-senpai giving a slightly intimidating aura, Akito doesn't seem fazed by it, probably because he was a former delinquent.

"Have you ever been involved in a fight recently?" Now, this is sounding like some sort of therapy, the fact is actually kind of laughable. 

"No, well, I witnessed one incident that was leaning towards the direction of a fight, but it was avoided since me, Kiyotaka, and our other friends were there." He was referring to that one encounter with Hashimoto and Kanzaki when the rumors about Ichinose spread.

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