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Ayanokouji POV

"[Teacher Swap.]" Sensei said, interesting, well, that would've been my initial thought if the thought of a certain Sensei didn't come, though of course, it would only be a 1 out of 3 chance, still, the chance is high, considering that I still don't know how the teachers will be swapped or assigned, so for now, all I can do is hope for the best.

Well, if that Sensei does end up being our teacher, everything is going to follow murphy's law... Probably. Though I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

"Teacher swap? What is this Sensei?" Ike asked and people started talking amongst themselves.

"Calm down, I'll be explaining it." Once Sensei said that, everyone started to quiet down.

"Ok, so, just by the name you can already get the gist of it, right?" Everyone nodded. "Good, ok first is, what you will actually do in the exam. What you're going to do is, once a teacher is assigned to you, you should do your best to get to know them, starting from the most basic info such as their BMI to the most personal info you can get, of course, there are limits, but as long as the teacher is willing to give the answers it's fine, the teacher assigned to you will act as your homeroom teacher for the whole week, after that week, you will be given 3 days to prepare." Sensei explained.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" Most students asked the same question.

"You will take a test, the test's contents will be about the teacher that was assigned to you, but, that is not your only challenge, another thing you must do is, to prepare a test for the other classes, and the other classes will do the same, but, the test will only be given to the original class of the teacher assigned to you, any questions so far?" Sensei asked.

"Uh, Sensei, I don't get it." Ike said.

"I'm a little confused Sensei." One of my classmates said.

[Sigh]"Ok then, lets put it this way, for example, me, and Mashima-sensei exchanged classes, so, I'll be teaching his class, which is Class A, and he, will be teaching you, my class, Class C, then, within the span of one week, both classes must get to know their assigned teachers, and while doing that, both classes must also prepare a test questionnaire for the class of where their original homeroom teacher is, which means, you will prepare questions about me for Class A, and Class A will prepare questions about Mashima-sensei for you to answer, do you get it?" Sensei asked, I'm surprised she didn't mention Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Oh I see, so it's like the paper shuffle exam, but there's a certain topic." Someone says.

"Yeah, we get it Sensei." Most of the students said.

"Good, now let's proceed, next are the rewards, ah, right before that, I forgot to mention that like the paper shuffle exam, you are also going to answer this in pairs, but, this time you will be the ones choosing on who to pair up with, anyway, let's continue. Here are the other rules:

If the final grade a pair gets on any one subject is under 60 points, then both members of the pair will be required to drop out. This 60 point threshold is the combined score of both of the two partners.  The overall total score will be based on the total score of the pair.
Note that, if you fail to reach the passing score, both partners will be expelled, regardless of individual scores.The school will compare the overall grades on the finals between the two classes, and the class that wins will receive a total of 50 Class Points from the losing class.In a case where the exam becomes a direct match between two classes then the wager will be temporarily set to 100 instead of 50. But if the total score is the same in the end, the result will be a tie and there won't be any change in the number of points.
If one of the partners is unable to take the test, the other partner must get at least 10 more points than the original passing grade to avoid the expulsion of the other partner.

"Now, I will announce who is assigned where:

Hoshinomiya Chie of Class 1-B will be assigned to Class 1-C

Mashima Tomonari of Class 1-A will be assigned to Class 1-D

Chabashira Sae of Class 1-C will be assigned to Class 1-A

Sakagami Kazuma of Class 1-D will be assigned to Class 1-B

"Ok, now any questions?"

"Umm, if it's ok to ask Sensei, how were the teachers assigned?" Hirata asks.

"We just drew lots, though originally, we were just to volunteer on what class we want to be assigned to, but one of the teachers threw, a "tantrum" you could say." Sensei answered, I think I might know who threw a tantrum.

"Tantrum? A teacher?" One of my classmates asked while a little confused.

"It's nothing, don't mind it." Sensei said.

So basically, we will defend our class from Class B while attacking Class A, and then, Class A will be attacking Class D who are attacking Class B, then our class would be attacking Class A and finally Class B defend themselves from Class D, interesting.

"You seem like you've already got a plan, mind sharing it?" My neighbor to the right asked.

"Nope, I don't have one." I replied, which is true, since I still don't know what Hoshinomiya-sensei will do while she's assigned to our class. Also, the parings haven't been decided yet.

"I see. Then, could you help me decide the class pairings?" She asks.

"We'll just put the smart ones together with the ones below average." I answered.

"Is that good enough?" She asks.

"To make sure no one gets expelled? Yes, but to rise to the next class, I'm not sure." I answered.

"Is that so? Then, since it seems like you have no plan, meet me later at my dorm, make sure to bring Kamuro-san with you." Horikita said.

"Huh? Me? Why?" Kamuro who heard our conversation asked.

"Just do it, I'm sure it's part of Horikita's plan." I said.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Kamuro asked, but I just remained silent.

"Ok, that's all for today, you can have the rest of the time to discuss on what you want to do." Sensei said before leaving, and once she left, I realized that, we barely knew anything about her, other than she's single, she studied here and was also part of class D, that's all we know, we don't know much about our own homeroom teacher.

After Chabashira-sensei said that, both Hirata and Horikita came up to the podium.

"Everyone,please listen to what Horikita-san has to say." Hirata said to catch everyone's attention.

"Thank you Hirata-kun, now, I'll keep this brief, as of now, we still haven't decided on the parings, but, we are planning to pair up the ones with high academic ability with the ones with low academic ability, is anyone going to object to this?" Horikita asks and no one objected.

"It seems like we all agree, that's all I have to say for now." Horikita said before returning to her seat.

"Well done miss class leader." I said to Horikita and she just glared at me.

"Sorry." I quickly apologized and heard a giggle from my other side, Kamuro's laughing at me again, ungrateful woman.

"Whatever, just make sure to come to my dorm later." She said.

"Hai." I answered, this is going to be a long week.



That's it for now, sorry if it's short, I'm using my phone so it was hard to type so I just typed half of what should've been the whole chapter, anyway, hope you enjoyed it, also if you have any questions regarding the details of the exam, feel free to ask, and a quick announcement, I'll be posting a new part for my other book, The Elites, tomorrow, that is all goodbye. :3

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